Hmmmm, viewed bout half of them. All nice .
Custombelt | I'm back after 5 years! ;)


PM me if your selling items, buying anything and everything!
Name: darkshadow8 (Kenny)
Age: 14
GMT: +7
Why you want to join: because Aikido is one of my favorite. And the game is also challenging, I want to part of this organization.
Why should we pick you: I'm pretty good at aikido. ;)
What do you say your skill is from 1-10: 8
Also, in-game meeting needed, so just look for my name, or PM me for arrangements. - okay.

not dead
Name: weed33
Why you want to join:aikido is my faverite online mod
Why should we pick you:cos im skilled at aikido and most ppl say im a nice guy
What do you say your skill is from 1-10: 8
[Pure], wanna join?
Why you want to join:Because,Aikido is my best mod.
Why should we pick you:I have played almost all my games at Aikido.
What do you say your skill is from 1-10:8.5
I like your app, i say yes.(some replays maybe?*)

Your app was not that good, but is not a total crap,try to talk a little more about yourself,and why you want to join(replays would be good*)

Like Weed55,try to talk a little more about yourself and why you want to join.You don't need to post your replays,i already seen you in-game.

*Replays is not necessary,is my way of judging.
Name: Erth (dan)
Age: 14
GMT: --:--
Why you want to join: because i love aikido and this group is what ive been waiting for
Why should we pick you: because i am good at aikido, friendly and encouraging ingame. i could also help out on the arty side of things (banner etc.) as i am doing GCSE art.
What do you say your skill is from 1-10: 7

thanks for taking the time to read my app. i can post relays if need be and i look forward to playing you ingame

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
I don't get it, there's already an organisation for people who play mods with sambo gravity...
It's official too, it's called "Team Sambo".
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
But is much more harder to get in the Team Sambo (TS)
It's not simple like:
"Post your app here if you want to Join"
You need to meet the members in-game for they judge you.Then you may can join.

But i can't say anything.I don't founded this organisation.