I really like the boom but dislike 3rd hit and pose.
Opener is cool though. Split is ok.

Your getting better in my opinion I just sugest you edit and dm more of ukes croch.

Life's good.
when i started watching your replays, i was a bit disapointed, but now, wow, you got really better,

like, 1 kick and you made a complete splitcap

:3 thank you thats mostly because the rules made it so the dismemberment threashhold was down to 85 for the competition so thats one of the reasons that happened

And thank you for doing that comment because this is my first freerun I have ever made and I was satisfied with it

Heres the mod I used for it

Attached Files
sk- Oh no freerun.rpl (210.9 KB, 40 views)
Last edited by Shuckle; Mar 20, 2011 at 10:05 PM.
I like your replays there in the middle of pro and amateur.

Also i cant see the mod. and uke gets dq'd almost at the beginning .
oh yea how silly of me :3 here is the mod for it


also added it to the post above thanks for pointing that out :V
I really failed this freerun... I had to grab at the end so I could get acrossed D:
Attached Files
Sk- wall hugger.rpl (385.8 KB, 20 views)