Re: Welcome and well done!
I wasnt talking about your grammer i was talking about my grammer and this is a congrats forum not a argue form
Re: Welcome and well done!
Originally Posted by [Wolfpack
WolfReaper ]
I wasnt talking about your grammer i was talking about my grammer and this is a congrats forum not a argue form

You weren't talking about my gammer? Well, sorry then. But it really is good to see that outright rejection can lead to narrow acception! Really it is. I'll stop posting now as this obviously isn't an argument forum. Again, Congratulations.
Re: Welcome and well done!
Wow.... i believe ive created a monster with this clan... I feel so proud! *wipes away a tear*
I gots fleas :(
Re: Welcome and well done!
lol you guys anyway congratz from an IR0NMAN hope you'll get far.
<Hamster> I need a towel
<Hamster> ._.