What you want: A set based on this character.Quite simple.:3
Size: 128x128
Colors: Beetle(Brown)&Gold,Also a little platium(silver)Triceps,Biceps,Thighs and shins as in the photo above.And the feet are just plain gold,no toes or details.
What You Want: if possible a full set
Colors: platinum QS (vampire for details)
a robot set
What You Want: A cartoonish like robot Head. Not too much details but not too less details.
Size: 512x512
Colors: grey, black, Static, white (You don't have to use all colors)

I'm sure you will do fine. Awesome example.
Last edited by Dilara; Dec 9, 2010 at 04:44 PM.
What You Want:set tribal
Colors:aqua on spikes and the regular color kinda like orc
and please could you make it look awsome?
What You Want: I want a full set all the textures
Size: All 512x512

Colors: Freestyle i want it rly freestyled i love freestyle i dont mind if u do tribals and shit just make what u like the most make a set that u would wanna wear urself but not too detailed

my curent force and lax is Toxic force Vampire lax

Why im Requesting this: Cuz i think ur awesome and that u make this free u see im rly low on tc and im bad at earming some :P so this is perfect for me

u dont have to do this since its free i wouldnt mind waiting for a few months

if uuchoose to make this send me pm if u need mor info ...

EDIT :size doesnt rly matter work with watever size u like best
What You Want: A set
Size: full 512
Colors: Chronos as main, othr can be random
For the set, i like free style, so make a cartoonish/freestyle mix
What You Want: A set
Size: full 512
Colors: Dark red mixed with black
For the set, i want a darker, mysterious and abstract
(it's free yeap )

I know it's hard to create this set takes your time !

Sorry my bad english

Sincerely; Hardronx
What You Want: Emo Full set
Size: 128x128
Colors: Helios and Marine colors
Last edited by EliteOwn; Dec 10, 2010 at 01:57 AM.