9% 6% 12% 9% all towards the left options.
So I'm everything and nothing basically. I think I'm water o:

And kind of agree with you Nobuddie, these tests are too b/w. And some of them even have 2 questions in 1 and I disagree with one and agree with the other.. Now decide which one to choose.
Originally Posted by Nobuddie View Post
I still think these are bs, but w/e. Accurate enough, I guess. (not that I'm complaining, I just don't think everything about a person is all that b/w and can be analysed like that, especcially if the person is conducting the test on herself and is therefore automatically biased.)

You should obviously take these things with a grain of salt. But I think reading about your results and your type can open your eyes to some stuff. Yes, they are all very basic to fit a wide margin of people but still accurate enough to make you think about the things you do and feel. I just kinda enjoy wasting my time with things like that sometimes. Good for procrastinating, haha.

EDIT: @Alpha, INFP bros, wooo
@Roo, yeah, some of the questions are kinda questionable.
Last edited by flxy; Feb 12, 2015 at 07:37 PM.
Lmao.. I immediately thought about 1 or 2 members, reading your post