1. Names mitchell cox
2. 17 years of age
3. I can barly write or spell (I FUCKING LOVE M.S. WORD) but Im quite good at math
4. SLOW typer. even at the best of times.
5. Swine Flu has closed down my school during my 2nd term exams during my last year of school
Originally Posted by Galrath View Post
Epic facts that instantly increase your coolness by several thousands of points. Especially 5. - And I'm not even joking. :|

Oh, really?
I thought I was going to be insulted, lol
1) I'm 14
2) I have 80% on each language on school except Latin and Greek (a.k.a. Dutch, English, French and German)
3) I read alot of comics
4) I didn't go to school due to accident 14 August until ~January
5) I collect pokémon cards and occasionally watch the show (and I have one game of each generation (at least :3))
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
1.) I'm 17
2.) I live in Scotland
3.) The other weekend I kissed a girl after she gave another guy a blowjob, also she has Gonorrhoea.
4.) I have a fear of Tomato Sauce.
5.) I actually don't really like Jubblys.

All true...
1)I really like cheesecake
2)This is my second post
3)My next one will be my third
4)My computer is a piece of shit
5)I haven't been to the movies in almost a year
(1) I'm 16
(2) My girlfriend's surname is the same as mine. (No relation)
(3) My right nipple is higher than the left.
(4) I have a friend who insists on things that he's not actually done, to be true. In a bad way. (See #3 of DavidFee's.)
(5) I collect Dr. Pepper bottle caps. (over 150 in total.)
Above post.

2.) Is a relation.
3.) Its Sexy
4.) I get the pissed ripped out of me hundreds of times a day for it.. she does have the clap though.
1) Im 15
2) Am random, I hope..
3) Am curious about jubblys
4) Wonders why David must pwn them
5) Gets outta bed singing "Im a tumor im a tumor Im a Tumor" every morning :P
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριďαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Originally Posted by DavidFee View Post
1.) I'm 17
2.) I live in Scotland
3.) The other weekend I kissed a girl after she gave another guy a blowjob, also she has Gonorrhoea.
4.) I have a fear of Tomato Sauce.
5.) I actually don't really like Jubblys.

All true...

1. I'm 17
2. I live in Scotland
3. I drive a Car
4. I work in a fast food restaurant
5. I hate all seafood.
Last edited by Thanatos12; Jul 14, 2009 at 12:07 AM.
1)I love seafood
2)I don't have a job
3)I want to be an artist
4)My avatar is hot
5)You all agree