Original Post
New items price lowered
I personally think the prices are a tad too high.
I can never achieve something of that amount without paying a torisubscription but I don't have any money for that.
I don't exist
Instead of lowering the prices, have packs of items, such as full supernova and have the price be 100k or something like that, so more people would actually buy items off of the torishop.
Lowering the prices altogether though would just make the economy worse overall.
Think first before you type, mate.
Someone's gonna buy full supernova for 100k... then what?
They're either gonna use it or sell it. If selling that is the case,
the market will be so full of trash, much more junk (expensive).
So if they buy from the shop and resell it, the economy will be much worse.
The stock will run out and will be filled with separate parts which costs MORE TC.
Simple Doesn't Mean Its Easy
You can't complain about prices in a free game.and if you get what ever you want easly the game will become boring
youre rigth ... the price of items are higher that they must be.
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