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some ideas about textures
When i was a little white belt i was dream that i want a head texture but i was need tc ... my idea is give only the head texture for free or u must pay 1000 tc,give a free ground texture when you are a black or more, not pay 25.000 tc, ou 25.000 tc for a GROUND TEXTURE!, stop paying 2000 tc for the all part of the charater, 500? 1000? 510? it's ok but not 2000, or u can pay 2000 tc for the entire set, or for the left and the rigth arm and hand? just give some decent price for the textures.

This is my ideas about textures.
Tonight ... Biko Joins the Hunt!
yeah ... but u know ... i'm here because i want to help that little unluck orange or yellow belt that want a only head texture, the game can give a tc when u become a green a brown a blue, ecc ... so they can have they're head.
I don't say that they must give 40k when u pass, and you think that is easy to win a duel or a betting? i don't think that ...
Tonight ... Biko Joins the Hunt!
Earn tc yourself or get someone to donate,earn slowly,he's only a low belt,barely played the game for a month,have him learn the hard way
Bye bye toribash
ok ... so they can give tc when you are a brow to black? or 10th dan to master?
listen this: u need to pay 2000tc i repeat 2000TC for have a little part of texture that u can't even see! i repeat:

2.000 Tc for a texture that u can't even see.
Tonight ... Biko Joins the Hunt!
You can see it,2000TC is a little low actually,used to be 20k
Farming is biggest problem here,black belts take lots of free heads,earn tc off the market
Bye bye toribash
2k is not easy to have! u need to win 4 turnament! 4! 4! with some 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,master,costum, god(maybe) BELTS! and u sped 20k form a dam ground texture!!!!
Tonight ... Biko Joins the Hunt!
why would you want this done? thats so stupid to make textures 500, just wait, there is a reason why there is a belt rank at 50,000 games. trust me. by then youll have joint textures and a full set. im for 25 tc a game tho instead of 10
Originally Posted by xAR1ELx View Post
why would you want this done? thats so stupid to make textures 500, just wait, there is a reason why there is a belt rank at 50,000 games. trust me. by then youll have joint textures and a full set. im for 25 tc a game tho instead of 10

I have to agree that 10tc per win is low. The rate at which players are rewarded for wins, vs the cost of items, it can quickly become dis-heartning. You almost need to pay into the game by buying tc, which is not possible for many young players. They then can turn to marketing, which also isn't everyones forte, for making extra tc. The few with Photoshop skills are privileged and can get ahead more quickly.

New users could be given an initial amount of tc when they start out, and they could do basic customizations, but I can already see how that could be abused. I suppose TB could track ip addresses and limit the amount of accounts per ip address to counter. Many games, ie, Need for Speed, will give you an initial amount, so you can buy a car, and put a couple of upgrades on it to get started.

All in all, it is not easy to improve on this situation. More tc more quickly will likely cause inflation, which a lot of effort is being put in to avoid.

Patience and perseverance are key in this game. People who can't develop and demonstrate these character traits will likely not last anyways, because of the sheer nature of this great and awesome game. There may be room to improve on this situation, but we have to tread lightly on this subject, as it is a fragile balance we are playing with.
rock the world, one fight at a time
Not the greatest of ideas but I understand what you're saying. Could use a lot of tweaking and a lot more explanation as to how this would help out most people.