Originally Posted by kay123 View Post
im not in the list why you sad that i would be in the clan
im brown belt

You are [FL-Beginner] untill you are black belt, then post or say to me ingame that you are black belt and I will put you in the members list.
Dodekus Kick Gleb and Gleb27 they are no helpful or active or ingame.
You can't let them just stay in our clan
But we can still send them Active PM.
(EveryBody deserve's a second chance.)
Pendragon = Bandwagon.
Idea :
Add a list for the members who are not oficially (those are not black belt)
just to know who are they...
and when they re black belt they post here
I'm not wushuer 2!! >: (
I'm Poker Face 8D

And you know my msn, and it is not there! :o >: (

You know what to do!<3

Skriv bikke skriv!! :o
Them girls only know three words, stop, no and don't! No my brotha, you go them word backwards, they always tell me, no don't stop!

I remember when you had to pay for a name and a headtexture and everyone else was called playerId, that was good times!
Proud Member of Flawless

wushu is like ride an bicycle.. you cant forget it
// Callejon77

Save baby tori!!!