Originally Posted by Kristis133 View Post
Pft. One guy sold Hector Relax to Shmevin for a worthless flame. A few hours later Shmevin lost that Hector relax to SainTD.


Gg o_O xD

Worst selling? I buy somebody worthless misc for 10k . And its only can sold for 500 tc
Not too bad lost though
Originally Posted by Kristis133 View Post
Pft. One guy sold Hector Relax to Shmevin for a worthless flame. A few hours later Shmevin lost that Hector relax to SainTD.


you win
oh yeah
I don't know about the worst mistake, but the best one was when i bought Mosier's old set for 50k and sold it for 250k or 350k, i'm not entirely sure o/.
Then i ended up putting all my money in TP and VIP when Crux and Fee sold them for TC.
It was cool as long as it lasted, but after all it was pretty crappy investment. TP/VIP boards sucked. Having cool big avvy's and sigs was awesome tho.
It's All About Expansion
Buying full radioactive then trading with a guy thinking I was getting void force.
I ended up getting marine ghost.
GG guy I don't remember GG


I didn't even know how to make scam reports.
Last edited by Velair; Jun 22, 2013 at 03:59 PM.
damn im gettin old
yo got an icon and an elf pack for a set once.

Sold/traded them and then gave all my stuff away, yay
I might be the worst marketeer ever.

bought a set for 250k sold for 40k.

ive had many huge losses in marketting. However,

TC buying and selling is more my route, made 2.5mil plus dueling i make even more
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
Originally Posted by Mwah View Post
buying hats in team fortress 2

T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Wanna hear a bad selling mistake? Letting my mom manage the prices when we have a garage sale.
why are you looking here? the post is up there
Hmm, I usually make good deals, but I remember buying like 4-5 Hunter and Warrior Forces for 40k each. This was back in 2011 if I remember corectly.
buying items with usd