If you get the ones that have the certain number of offers you have to do like silver and gold offers, dont do those.
I do ones that require that I get to the final steps page or finish all the questions, but only the ones that give a 2k+ reward. If you like, you could probably do an address and phone number of someone you dont like instead of yours !

Then if I dont get the TCs I send the proof, consists of URL of final steps, Copy-Paste of final steps, and the email they sent you (including heading), to Super Rewards.

I recomend you sign up for them, you can do that on the top of the page of surveys. Good luck earning TCs the cheap way =p.

P.S. Sometimes Super Rewards takes a really long time, upwards of 24 hours. Kinda sucks, but still, its not that bad of a wait for earning 20k TCs in 1 hour. If you have any questions, PM "Cretor".
Last edited by hamsandwich608; Oct 13, 2009 at 05:58 AM.
Originally Posted by hamsandwich608 View Post
I do ones that require that I get to the final steps page or finish all the questions, but only the ones that give a 2k+ reward. If you like, you could probably do an address and phone number of someone you dont like instead of yours !

Then if I dont get the TCs I send the proof, consists of URL of final steps, Copy-Paste of final steps, and the email they sent you (including heading), to Super Rewards.

I recomend you sign up for them, you can do that on the top of the page of surveys. Good luck earning TCs the cheap way =p.

P.S. Sometimes Super Rewards takes a really long time, upwards of 24 hours. Kinda sucks, but still, its not that bad of a wait for earning 20k TCs in 1 hour. If you have any questions, PM "Cretor".

Who is Cretor?
Haha, I have two accounts, was on wrong account when I posted that, sorry!