First, can you show me whats in your "Custom" folder? Where is your heads, music, physics, ect, folder? <---REQUEST SHOP! Good heads, GREEEATT price! TONY THE TIGER!
Because that COULD be the problem. If the physics and/or default.cfg folders arent loading, toribash might not start. What does it do when toribash starts? Nothing? Or does a tooltip pop up and say something? <---REQUEST SHOP! Good heads, GREEEATT price! TONY THE TIGER!
Erm. I don't think you need to see all of that. I'm assuming because all of it is in place from the pic, that the rest is too. Also, try running toribash.exe, and tell us if anything besides "Toribash has stopped working" comes up.

it depends if i use tb.exe something pops up but everything else nothing
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What does it say?

right now i cant check (posting from wii) but it says something about libcurl and the application configurations incorrect
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Tomorow will never come as tomorow will be today tomorow

The configuration problem should be solved once you make a clean installation - delete completely the Toribash folder and install it again.

The configuration file supplied with Toribash was tested on vista and xp.
it says exactly c:/games/toribash-3.32/tb.exe this application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect.reinstalling the application may solve this problem.(and it hasnt)
Last edited by 0DD; Jun 25, 2008 at 09:50 PM.
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Tomorow will never come as tomorow will be today tomorow