I agree the website is meh, but the quotes are hilarious.

ADTerminal on 6th October 2007 - 21:19
<Some nub> I'm new to an IRC channel, I'm scared.
<ADTerminal> *goatse link*
<some nub> What's that?
<ADTerminal> It teaches you how to avoid being tricked in IRC
<some nub> Okay
<some nub> OMFG!!!
<some nub> My mom was right behind me


Also, glad my comment last night isn't on there. <.< >.>
Yeah.... that quote pwns.
This is the Emergency Alert System. All normal programming has been discontinued during this emergency.
<Ethereal-> Budster: /nick L-
• Nick: (Budster-) Budster- is now known as L-(L-)
• Quit: L-(L-) ([email protected]14) 14(Killed (* (Reserved Nickname (ID: 674350f9))))

yeah, votes are up and i will add random later.
and add a design to the page as it has no design whatsoever.
Suggestions for design or features are welcome!

And thanks for all the quotes
Last edited by feitingen; Oct 11, 2007 at 02:55 PM.
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