yeah but, it will make this game, boring.
now you don't need to work to get better items, you just buy et with real money
less ppl playing, and more ppl buying
its better for hampa, bcuz he will get moar money, but, and the ppl who cant buy ?
those ppl play everyday from our lives here, to get 10th dan for example.
and now, any noob can get 10th dan in 1 day,
yeah,us people, who started from the beggining have worked our way up,and now noobs can buy their way up, makes me raaaageee >=[.
also,i dont have paypal,but even if i did, i still wouldnt buy it.
real men dont buy their way to greatness...they earn it.
Wait, what
it is annoying...
we should know who has bought qi
and who has earn it in game
maybe new org
ProtoType OLDA Aikido Trainers
I mean to create new organization with members that never buy qi, but collect their qi by playing
ProtoType OLDA Aikido Trainers
I think it is good for some reasons and bad for other reasons. Good, because for lazy people like me don't need to play 10,000- 20,000 games just to get specific items (elf, pure, etc). Bad because for all the people who actually played all of those games get no credit whatsoever for that. People might just say "No, you just bought that qi". I think it's more negative though.
[Colon 3]