Blackmailing is just a tool of intimidation to get someone else to do something. That said, it's a legitimate threat, and in some cases can be physically harmful to others if not being abided by the blackmailers request. To be honest, threatening someone to cause any sort of harm to another whether it be materialistic, mental or physical, why wouldn't using something against another person in a cheap malicious way be called criminal?
Blackmail does not involve the harming of another human being in any case. Such case would be called extortion. Please actually read my previous posts before commenting.
extortion is undeniably criminal in nature. Children are blackmailed to do chores on a daily basis.

I think the matter is more of how much money is involved.
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
If the holder of the information is under the power of a contract stating he or she cannot expose blank information well first of all laugh in his face and second bring him to court so basically if the information is on a personal level and there is nothing more than threats of exposing the information then no its not illegal but contracts legal agreements so forth ect. ect. ect. Should be and is illegal.......
Perhaps the extent of the blackmail could play a role in whether it be considered a crime. Say there is quite a bit ofoney involved and someone has hardcore information in you. And sai information is extremely vital, and if word was to get out there would be dire consequences, such as death. Then maybe we could take it to that level But petty blackmails that are harmless? And blackmailing in general? Probably not.

Also, children are not blackmailed into doing chores they are persuaded and possibly bribed.
well the parents do sometimes threaten to embarrass them infornt of there parents so thats not really correct.
Originally Posted by barge View Post
Never heard a parent say, "I'll embarrass you if you don't clean your room."

no, but i've heard plenty of "clean your room or you get to go to bed without dinner".

REALLY, what reason do kids have to WANT to do chores?

and how much effort does it generally take to coax it out of them?

It's one or the other, blackmail or extortion. if it's not, then you've probably got negligent parenting... which extortion would be.

Blackmail? hardly a reason to get your un's in a bunch.
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
Originally Posted by barge View Post
Or simple bribes would work.

im pretty sure that's how most parents operate. unfortunately most kids also wise up to it quickly and milk it... ultimately resulting in low-end parenting. not poor, per se, but their kids WILL be spoiled brats.
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.