Honestly, the government can't do it all. As we've clearly seen.

I really like how he's trying to privatize space travel. However I'd like to see a moon/mars walk in my near future. (I'd rather have moon colonies than a mars walk personally).

Besides, that there are other options to hitching rides on soyuz rockets 'till the space station poops out.

Not only that! But many new additions to the space station may be quite roomy compared to the others.

Anyway, those two links should just give you an idea of whats been changing about space tech. Future's a bit brighter than it seems. I'm confident that this will all work out. I think the constellation program was mostly a rehash of apollo. (Not like that's bad). There's got to be a new, and hopefully a better way to get to the moon. AND STAY THERE.
Last edited by Pirate_old; Apr 17, 2010 at 12:39 AM.
Originally Posted by Onamist View Post
Why go into space when there are so many problems on Earth that need to be fixed? Yes, possible solutions could found through space research, but the money could be better spent on terrestrial matters.

Sorry, I had to quote that. Well, I pretty much think that the government won't spend a BIT of his BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars to even collect garbage in the street. I think is much better for them and for us, that they use their money in something else then increase money. If it's for an space e program even better.

So, they won't try to solve Earth's problems, unless they got something (Money) for it. That's what I think.

Obama is right to restrict the american space program. The showboating exhibited in recent years is part of the reason why america is in astronomical debt (dohoho). America simply doesn't have the economy to explore space anymore.

The future lies with China more than likely (although I wouldn't be too surprised to see SoKo do a KPop concert live in space). Possibly also Japan (design) and Australia (additional surplus) depending on how the economies go - particularly the mining sector for Australia. Well, I say Australia, but we've got some recent-made debt to be paid off before we help the Chinese, IMO. Gogogo Ruddkip.

I don't think Europe will do too much (maybe Russia).

It's all very well to privatise space travel - but who will sponsor it? Where will profits come from? At best we could hope for profits to come from Starbucks and McDonalds for sponsored space walks, or even universities, but I doubt it.
Hmm. What if

We abolish all national space programs, and invest in an international? That would be interesting. Not sure how funding would work out. Can anyone think of flaws with that idea?
Originally Posted by jxc1013 View Post
Hmm. What if

We abolish all national space programs, and invest in an international? That would be interesting. Not sure how funding would work out. Can anyone think of flaws with that idea?

China would have to be a major contributor, and china is communist
cause china is a major industrial superpower

and to go to space, you need some major manufacturing power for cheap (not gonna find that in US, nomatter what they say)
Originally Posted by ScO0Ter View Post
ahh ok so America needs china to get into space?

What?! If America used the budget they use on the War, they would be on the Moon next year.

No, what people are saying, is if there's anybody capable of going back to the moon, and building a base/city, it is China. (in the foreseeable future)

Why? They can get 1 million steel workers and send them to space to work. Even if they live on average a month and then die, China wouldn't care. They wouldn't even need to pay them.

As avwave said, China has the cheapest and biggest manufacturing process in the world...