m0o: we can discuss one more thing was his english good:3

I dont belive in it because there is no scientific proof that the world will end in 2012.
Sold my dog to join RRO
People before said the world would end in 1998, then 1999 and then 2000, but did that all happen? no, but there's a very small chance of the world ending in 2012.
Maybe the Maiyans only got to 2012 then decided to give up cause they werent going anywhere with it. Still Its weird that over the past 10 Years Things like the Haiti Earthquake and them Tsunamis in Thailand have been happening alot. But thats just Global Warming. No?

And wasnt their some superstitions over The Worlds Explosives all going off one time?

Stray from doubleposting k? ~Shin
Last edited by Shin-Ryuu; Apr 18, 2010 at 01:10 PM.
Time is a great teacher. Unfortunatly it kills all of its pupils... Louiz Hector Berlioz
oh well we still got 2 more years

No i dont think it will happen they have predicted it to many times. But it could change as we know it.
It makes you think How Superstitious some people are. But Hey if its all ending in 2012 We Wont have to worry about running out of Fossil Fuels in the mid 2050`s ^^
Time is a great teacher. Unfortunatly it kills all of its pupils... Louiz Hector Berlioz
it is all fucking bullshit man

i dont believe a word off it.
Originally Posted by CAMOXODKA View Post
it is all fucking bullshit man

i dont believe a word off it.

yes.... thats what we were.... on about
Time is a great teacher. Unfortunatly it kills all of its pupils... Louiz Hector Berlioz