People worship Jesus because they believe he is the son of god which indeed would make him a supreme being. Whether or not you think there is enough proof to say jesus is the son of god does not matter, however no one believes slayer is more than a heavy metal band.
From a looong time ago:
[21:56]<Blam>ManBreakfast: Frunk wants to know why you banned him from IRC
[21:56]<ManBreakfast>oh, fuck
[21:56]=-=Mode #toribash -b Frunk!*Frankie'sip by ManBreakfast
Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
maybe i missed your point Galt, but my point is, there is no proof of jesus being supreme ( or even that he was ), and yet we ( those who believe ) declared him supreme. It could well be that because of enough people accepting this and going with it, it became a religion, instead of just a story. So jesus could have become the son of god instead of just someones son.

As Frunk said, he was the son of god. He was a deity. He came back to life after being killed.
Pretty damn certain that connotes supremity. Whether or not he became superior via doxa or not, he's still worshipped as a supreme being.
Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
As soon as there will be a second sun that can communicate with every human being telephaticly, giving all of us information about the construct of the cosmos ( just a random idea ), we will all worship it, there is no need for political acceptence when the impact is large enough.

What? Go away.
Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
And Galt, i dont think Nietzsche i think for myself, i believe choosing insights of great men trough history is like ordering food in a restaurant, sure it is good, but you wouldnt know how to make it if you tried. So i never feel at ease when someone starts referring to or quoting people who were wise or smart, because chance is they do not even truly understand what they ordered.

Hurhur. When I said 'think Nietzsche' I was mentioning him so you would know what I meant when I said 'overman'. Obviously, that went over your head. I'm sorry for that.
Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
no offense intended ( words tend to seem quite hostile when you miss intonation and posture. )

None taken. I'm laughing.
Last edited by Galt; May 16, 2010 at 04:07 PM.
What? Go away.

You are actually not going to take a concept like this and think about it for a few seconds.Because i would think you are very closeminded if you wouldnt.

Blunt ridicule is often a way of trying to discredit another person his/her views with lack of actual meaningfull constructive points. Or it would mean your brain can actually only accept/handle the reality that is right now and would never accept/handle a drastic new reality when presented.

Hurhur. When I said 'think Nietzsche' I was mentioning him so you would know what I meant when I said 'overman'. Obviously, that went over your head. I'm sorry for that.

Another attempt to make a fool out of me, instead of actually reacting to the points i was making, i knew what you meant my point was i rather speak with someone who uses his own words intead of copying lines/concepts of great men troughout history.
It is just easy to copy what is widely accepted as truths just because the general population accepts it. It is hard to come up with your own truths and concepts, because you risk being ridiculed for it by those who hold on to what is already generally accepted.
Nietzsche took these chances to, in another reality/dimension he could have just as well been ridiculed. I bet you wouldnt have referred to him then?

Just bathing in another man's sunshine, it is very safe indeed. And i think only true free thinking individuals will realise that it is. Sounding smart/wise is easy, but if you think "that" is important you have no clue about true intelligence or wisdom. ( that is how i see it ) Because the simplest peasant can say something that will puzzle an emperor.

Dont look down on people and dont ridicule them. Not even when it is online you are still talking to "real people".
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
You are actually not going to take a concept like this and think about it for a few seconds.Because i would think you are very closeminded if you wouldnt.

Bahaha. I laugh at your arbitrary 'concept'.
Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
Blunt ridicule is often a way of trying to discredit another person his/her views with lack of actual meaningfull constructive points. Or it would mean your brain can actually only accept/handle the reality that is right now and would never accept/handle a drastic new reality when presented.

The arbitrary is to be dismissed. It is always to be dismissed.
That is why I dismissed your fucktarded concept.
Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
Another attempt to make a fool out of me, instead of actually reacting to the points i was making, i knew what you meant my point was i rather speak with someone who uses his own words intead of copying lines/concepts of great men troughout history.

You must mean a different thing to what everybody else means when you say 'reacting'. My post was a direct reaction to your stupidity. Derp.
As I said before, brevity is the soul of wit. Why should I attempt to word it my way when others before me have done so better? It's simply silly to disregard prior great people.
Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
It is just easy to copy what is widely accepted as truths just because the general population accepts it. It is hard to come up with your own truths and concepts, because you risk being ridiculed for it by those who hold on to what is already generally accepted.

Once again, you mean a different thing (a wrong thing) to what everyone else means when they say 'truth'. A truth is a statement about a fact. A fact is that which is true in objective reality. All truths are tautological. Get it?
Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
Nietzsche took these chances to, in another reality/dimension he could have just as well been ridiculed. I bet you wouldnt have referred to him then?

Remember how before I said to disregard the arbitrary? Yeah. Same thing applies here.
Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
Just bathing in another man's sunshine, it is very safe indeed. And i think only true free thinking individuals will realise that it is. Sounding smart/wise is easy, but if you think "that" is important you have no clue about true intelligence or wisdom. ( that is how i see it ) Because the simplest peasant can say something that will puzzle an emperor.

Okay, go ahead then. Re-invent the wheel. I'll stay here in today's 'dimension' with our aeroplanes and rockets.
Hurp Derp.
Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
Dont look down on people and dont ridicule them. Not even when it is online you are still talking to "real people".

Well, done talking to you, respect is something that works both ways, if it doesnt i have to step out.
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
Nice cop-out.
Anywho, Murmayder, got anything else to add to this topic?
@"HUR I CAN STEP OUT": Actually, no. We're allowed to ridicule your theories until you provide us plausible proof for them being valid. This is not how a debate works, sir. If people make fun of you because you're coming up with retarded theories based on absolutely nothing save for a few biased sources taken entirely out of context, you can't say "WELL GEE BECAUSE YOU WON'T RECOGNIZE MY RATHER OBVIOUS GENIUS I WON'T WASTE ANY TIME TRYING TO CONVINCE YOU, GOOD-BYE." The great irony in this is the whole point of a debate is to try and convince/persuade people to believe in what you're talking about. Beginning a debate and then abruptly stepping away from it because you start to lose is not just a failure, it's ultimately retrogressing on your original purpose- not only did you fail to convince anyone of your views, you actually dissuaded any who might have followed them by copping out the way you did. Gg.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
I could be convinced that this could become a religion. Although I listen to more of the Sub-Genres then I do Heavy Metal. Anyway it's a little bit of an iffy debate. Honestly, your side will likely be dependent on whether you like the music or not.
While I don't really like metal, I think this is awesome.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by Galt View Post
A truth is a statement about a fact. A fact is that which is true in objective reality. All truths are tautological. Get it?

While i know what you're trying to say, your definition of truth is circular...
A truth is a statement about a fact....(2=2, so 3=5?). Besides, what is a fact? That which is true in objective reality. What is true?

A better definition would be: a property of a statement to accurately reflect reality (objective or subjective, if you make the distinction).