I highly doubt that this was an accident. The odds of a police officer walking into a room, bumping into/wrestling with a middle aged woman and having the gun go off, shooting a sleeping seven year old on the sofa are just impossibly high. Add in the fact that it was a clean headshot and it becomes even more unlikely. The officers threw a stun grenade into the room before they entered. Those things make a lot of noise and light. My guess is that they stunned the room, the sleeping girl got hit with the flash and freaked out, possibly getting up and running and the officer shot her reflexively. I do not for one second believe that the mother tried to wrestle the officer's gun away from him. The last thing anyone does (apart from a trained soldier) when an armed force enters the room you're in, is try to run at them and disarm them. You take cover or make yourself a small target.
Originally Posted by Mapleleaf View Post
I would hardly even call this manslaughter, from the article atleast, it seems that it's not even the officer's fault at all. If someone gets manslaughter charges it should be the woman, she's the one responsible for the whole incident in the end. If she wouldn't have 'confronted' (eh wrong word but cant think of a better word) the officer, the gun wouldn't have gone off.

Heh, it doesn't matter if you call it manslaughter or not. The law calls it manslaughter. He still pressed the trigger. But for his action, the girl would still be alive.
You have too much empathy for the man. He shot and killed a girl. You think that remorse should prevent people from being sentenced to jail?

Manslaughter is manslaughter.
I doubt it would be manslaughter though.

The article said the woman either tried to grab the gun or just bumped in to him.
She is as guilty as he is of manslaughter by your definition.

I am pretty sure that has precedents.

Originally Posted by Warcry View Post
I highly doubt that this was an accident. The odds of a police officer walking into a room, bumping into/wrestling with a middle aged woman and having the gun go off, shooting a sleeping seven year old on the sofa are just impossibly high. Add in the fact that it was a clean headshot and it becomes even more unlikely. The officers threw a stun grenade into the room before they entered. Those things make a lot of noise and light. My guess is that they stunned the room, the sleeping girl got hit with the flash and freaked out, possibly getting up and running and the officer shot her reflexively. I do not for one second believe that the mother tried to wrestle the officer's gun away from him. The last thing anyone does (apart from a trained soldier) when an armed force enters the room you're in, is try to run at them and disarm them. You take cover or make yourself a small target.

Originally Posted by Mapleleaf View Post
That's not what happened.
The gun went off by accident. The officer wasn't aiming at the child or whatsoever, if you'd have read the article you would've known that the gun 'fired' when the woman collided with, attacked or whatever it was, the officer.

I would hardly even call this manslaughter, from the article atleast, it seems that it's not even the officer's fault at all. If someone gets manslaughter charges it should be the woman, she's the one responsible for the whole incident in the end. If she wouldn't have 'confronted' (eh wrong word but cant think of a better word) the officer, the gun wouldn't have gone off.

EDIT: Also, even if the cop shot deliberately, I can imagine it's very easy to fire a weapon out of instincts, subconsciously, when something pops out from a corner or something. If you've played a game with shock effects, you'll know this. (and yes I know you're not supposed to hold your finger on the trigger at all times, to prevent things like that)

Eh, I don't really blame the officer for something that isn't his fault. Also, think of the emotional scars the man has now, I pity him. He'll probably get tons of serious, gov't-funded, therapy sessions as well. Atleast, that's what would happen here.

Entirely agree with mapleleaf here. Cops bust in looking for murderer, mom comes out screaming and freaking out, wrestles with cop, gun goes off and hits little girl. In no way is the cop at fault. He was just doing his jo hunting criminals.

Originally Posted by Galt View Post
Heh, it doesn't matter if you call it manslaughter or not. The law calls it manslaughter. He still pressed the trigger. But for his action, the girl would still be alive.
You have too much empathy for the man. He shot and killed a girl. You think that remorse should prevent people from being sentenced to jail?

Manslaughter is manslaughter.

It's not manslaughter if a person comes up and wrestles the gun away from you. Read the article, not just the headline.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
There's not enough information here to tell who is directly responsible for the shooting. What does seem to be clear is that flashbanging the crap out of two apartments full of civilians at night, without even knocking, is a horrible idea. The SWAT teams in this country need to be held to at least the same standards we hold our soldiers to.
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Originally Posted by Warcry View Post
Compelling argument.

Sorry dood, Im past the days with feeding your trolling just to have a semi-decent discussion, people actually post in these threads now days.

Originally Posted by SmileyJones View Post
There's not enough information here to tell who is directly responsible for the shooting. What does seem to be clear is that flashbanging the crap out of two apartments full of civilians at night, without even knocking, is a horrible idea. The SWAT teams in this country need to be held to at least the same standards we hold our soldiers to.

How is that a bad idea?

Flash bangs stun and disorientate targets, its a non-lethal way to make sure that the police have the upper hand in any situation. Remember that these cops are walking in to the home of a potential murderer, there is a real chance that if the guy wants to fight back they will be seriously wounded.
Originally Posted by SmileyJones View Post
The SWAT teams in this country need to be held to at least the same standards we hold our soldiers to.

I completely agree.
Just because they are law "enforcers" doesn't mean that they have immunity from the law and/or common sense.
I understand that there may be a criminal inside that building but you can't be like Blackwater USA and just barge in with weapons in hand.
The team in this operation jumped the gun and because of their impatience a young child lost her life.
How did they jump the gun?

Please explain that to me.

And how would you enter the residence of a possible murderer? With your gun in holster, and with arms wide open?
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
How did they jump the gun?

Please explain that to me.

And how would you enter the residence of a possible murderer? With your gun in holster, and with arms wide open?

They jumped the gun by throwing in a FLASH GRENADE into someone's house without any significant proof there was a murderer there.

They had a hunch, but hunches are dismissible in court.

And I don't mind them going into the house, but if you're going to, make sure you either have A) A warrant or B) Proof (telephone calls, purchases or neighbor statements) that a murderer is there

What would you do if you tossed in a flash grenade into someone's house and it turns out the murderer wasn't there?

"Derp, sorry. I thought you were a murderer."