The only thing i dont like are biceps
I think they are more robotic then medival
I just realised I have the stupidest name in the forum
Pate you never seize to amaze me.
I have a few questions though
Is this all done in photoshop?(if not please mention the program(s))
What tool do you use for highlights?
and did you make the chain mail yourself or use a texture?
very nice work.
"A study of the history of opinion is a necessary preliminary to the emancipation of the mind" - John Maynard Keynes
Originally Posted by Mrama View Post

Is this all done in photoshop?(if not please mention the program(s))
What tool do you use for highlights?

very nice work.

^^^^^^ exactly what i was going to ask
love your work amazing 512 to you is beyond 1028 to us way too goood excellent work
I like the realism on the head,
most of the criticism has been covered so I will be looking forward to see the final product :D
Out of nowhere, I arrive.
Tbh I've never really seen your style as something that's really shown out above others until now.
The legs are really perfect I can't criticize them at all. Like vermine and others have said I liked the previous scratched dirty version of the helmet better. I think those parts of the set are magnificent.
The lighting on the arms is off in comparison to the rest of the set and I believe that you can do better on the torso.
If you fix these things and finish the set I can't imagine it not being one of the best, if not the best, texture sets I've seen.

Great job, I look forward to you finishing it.
lol if u posted another amazing thing i will be dead
please u r impressing me lol+rep
Last edited by qoOlolOop; Jun 4, 2010 at 11:44 PM.