Original Post
Wushu Competition TheWolf
Well this is my first event so i hope it goes well :3

Entry Fee is 100 Credits

ENTRY FEES + 500 Credits + 1000 Credits + 2000 Credits
The wHo Server

Only 12 Entrants

1. Redwards
2. Marduk
3. Ashaltaf
4. Smilies2
5. Daim
6. 1337Magma
7. StabberZ
8. LJ
9. Oracle
10. Tonakai
11. Toast
12. Element


One Loss You're Out

Round 1: Redwards vs Marduk MARDUK WINS
Round 2: Ashaltaf vs Smilies2 Smilies2 WINS
Round 3: Daim vs 1337Magma DAIM WINS
Round 4: StabberZ vs LJ LJ WINS
Round 5: Oracle vs Tonakai ORACLE WINS
Round 6: Toastman vs Element ELEMENT WINS

Marduk vs Smilies2 SMILIES2 WINS
Daim vs LJ LJ WINS
Oracle vs Element Element WINS

Three Finalists Played for 20 Mins
Smilies won with 5
Element with 3
LJ with 1

1:00 AM GMT December 30th
Donations: Marduck 500 Redwards 1000 Toastman 2000

Last edited by TheWolf; Dec 30, 2007 at 03:00 AM.
\o/ _\*TORIGOD*/_\o/
all participants to wHo server
go to http://www.myspace.com/lordsombre to hear my crazy music or http://www.myspace.com/blisteredfinger to hear my less crazy music

cloak174 100 tc Likes to Suck Iceblitz's Cock Iceblitz 2010-04-25 12:48:09

obviously iceblitz enjoys other men
Last fight, Smilars (AKA Smilie2) vs. Element
Victory pose
Last edited by Tonakai; Mar 26, 2008 at 02:16 PM.
MY fight against marduk was phail. XD
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend."
-U.S. Army Training Notice
*breaks door*
lol wolf i like this tourny if u can make more of them ill help u donate if u need.just make sure to tell me bout them first
[23:19] <HebrewHamr> i'm catholic