You know how you find items randomly? well your extras and stuff you can now use to crafts different items or hats. Its reaally hard to make things, so i don't craft that often.
Proud Officer of VorteX
Is "Too many games to mention" an acceptable answer?
Stats: :Proud whatever-the-hell-I-am-at-that-moment-in-time of VorteX:
Going with Cloak's answer, though there are some games I'm really into right now.
DJ Hero
Tekken 6
The DSi flipnote dealy
After Burner Climax
Zombie Apocalypse
And Metal slug 3

Just for starters of course.
Proud leader of VorteX

haha its fun but i get bored too easily haha. shoot, get gun, shoot, save hostage, shoot, jump, shoot, get bigger gun, shoot....... :P

oh yea! then destroy tank etc. hehe. but i guess your right, 3 is the best one. Didn't like 4.. dont know if ther is more by now
Last edited by Vandetta; Jul 12, 2010 at 09:31 PM.
Shop + VorteX + Toribash = FUN