Could I be supplied with items because I've sold alot of them to buy VIP with TC and I need some.
Hum.. Nice inventory. You have more than enough items.


I'll be adding the image stock though pictures. Wait for it everyone! ;)

First post updated. Half of items are now displayed in the first-post.

Am going to add "Top-Contributer of the month" award (You get this if you contributed the most). The reward for being top-contributer is being paid every week for the rest of the time they are contributing to this org.
Last edited by alert242; Jul 30, 2010 at 12:45 AM.
Name- Aeroe
What you want- 1k
Reason why we should give it to you- because im a bit low on Tc and i would like to buy some stuff for myself because i only have
and head texture. so yeah that's all

my name is aeroe and that's what i want ;)
Last edited by Aeroe; Jul 30, 2010 at 02:00 AM.
Aeroe~ Dp~
hey thats something u missed. some ppl to sift through apps and decide if they need the donation
[Pure], wanna join?