this mod is awsome!

I can do some leet tricks.

it would go awsome in MP too.

+rep fa joo
<+Lightningkid> ......
<+Lightningkid> wow
<+Lightningkid> I fail
This mod is awesome. There is only one problem i find iritating well 2 problems... 1. will you remake the mod so there is a board attached to both feet or just shorten the one thats on now and put one on the other foot please oh and 2. will you move the rail along abit please
Well its impossible to attach 2 body parts to another 1, so i can't do that.
And I only released this mod so it would get uploaded for multiplayer.
Soz ollie
Last edited by Danstar; Feb 2, 2008 at 10:06 PM. Reason: Text
i like this mod and i like skateboarding
the problem is: the skateboard is at right leg
can you do the skateboard at right and left leg?
Okay, hate to do this, but I got a idea.
I can make a REALLY long rail, that way you have to have skill to get to the end.

Edit; Done.
Don't like the pringles? Then delete them in the .tbm.
Attached Files
longboarding.tbm (1.9 KB, 185 views)
Last edited by IDTL; Feb 8, 2008 at 04:37 PM.
2nd Dan Black Belt...