To respond to your proposed issues:

1) As they mentioned in the story, there is no actual spanking involved in the game, only in the advertisement. The game itself is quite tame, the most it includes is innuendo, suggestion and a game where a Wii remote is balanced between foreheads, the players lips "nearly touching"
Heaven forbid!

Comparing this to the violence, there is no question it is a tame game, no matter the age.
Although I am more liberal on these issues, I believe games should be open to purchase for any age group, it is up to the consumers and their guardians to filter what gets to be played.
It's as simple as looking at a game, and maybe playing a few minutes of it before allowing a child to roam free in the world of "cartoon characters in bras and pants." (We Dare)

2) I touched on this in my previous point, governments should not censor any form of media. Certain quality control measures should be taken for respected outlets such as news stations, but that is more the job of the people in charge of the network, not the government.
Having the government tell us what we can and cannot play is simply the product of parents complaining about what they've deemed inappropriate. If they don't like the content, don't allow your child to watch/play whatever it is you don't like.
By the time the child is old enough to make a decision to go to a store, buy a game, and play it (assuming the parent didn't give the child money and bring them to the store) they are ready to see whatever it is they bought.

In the end, it's up to the guardians to censor, not the government.
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.