I remember watching this and loving it ages ago on here. It is such an awesome concept, if not a bit confusing to watch. Personally had to watch it twice, couldnae comprehend.
Some people theorize there are actually 27 dimensions i will try and find an article explaining them.
Trickbob: Saze, You just owned life.
i knew this since 6 years... ,also there are 12 dimensions,,, the 12th dimension is what all come out,all energy ,the pure love ,how some ppl call it,we only know 10th dimensions
but we cant imagine the last 2nd
the 11 th dimension , is the origin of all life and materia,and the gate to the last Dimension , the 12th Dimension is also the beginning and the end of all things,the endless love,the truth if u want so...
we live in the 3rd dimension , the Earth enters since it was created the 1st the 2nd and the 3rd dimension
the mayan calendary says ,the earth will enter the 4th dimension in december 21 2012
when the earth entered the 2nd dimension there was the ice age
when it entered the 3rd dimension , there was a extreme heatwave, what makes the ice melt
but noone knows what will happen this time,,,
Last edited by thedevill; Sep 29, 2011 at 06:00 AM.
The Sleepy Beast
The 13th dimension is made up of antimatter and a fold in space-time creating what cant be.
Trickbob: Saze, You just owned life.
Holy shit.. That's what a mind fuck is. Wow, I feel like I want to watch that until I know completely what all the dimensions are.
theres nothing about a 13rd dimension saze
the 12th dimension is the end , since it is where all things come from , all around u , all humans , all is energy ,what we imagine a god is actually ourself , and all things what exists , this together,the nothingness and the antimatter, and the end and beginning of all time ,is the 12th dimension,also u cant say its the last dimension cuz it connect with the 1st dimension so its a endless circle and all dimensions together ... yeahyeah hard to understand..
Last edited by thedevill; Sep 29, 2011 at 06:26 AM.
The Sleepy Beast
Originally Posted by thedevill View Post
i knew this since 6 years... ,also there are 12 dimensions,,, the 12th dimension is what all come out,all energy ,the pure love ,how some ppl call it,we only know 10th dimensions
but we cant imagine the last 2nd
the 11 th dimension , is the origin of all life and materia,and the gate to the last Dimension , the 12th Dimension is also the beginning and the end of all things,the endless love,the truth if u want so...
we live in the 3rd dimension , the Earth enters since it was created the 1st the 2nd and the 3rd dimension
the mayan calendary says ,the earth will enter the 4th dimension in december 21 2012
when the earth entered the 2nd dimension there was the ice age
when it entered the 3rd dimension , there was a extreme heatwave, what makes the ice melt
but noone knows what will happen this time,,,

I'd really love to know where you're getting all this information from.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
interesting stuff,
I always thought the 4th dimension was time

as I see it all the other dimensions are just knowing or exploring the first three in any 4th (that has happened or had any chance to happen, or will happen or has any chance to happen by any start conditions).
Traveling thru time to a previous point in our life that has happened would be the 5th dimension.
Traveling to the future would be the 6th because from your point of view u can't know what will happen, so u can end up in any branch of your life from where u start your travel to the future. Am I right? 6ht would also be traveling in a possible past that didn't happen in your life

people made many different theories about higher dimensions, I just see it more as philosophy. Some of them might be on to something, but its highly unlikely what they are saying is anywhere close to the truth.
we are just on the start of multidimensional thought, something like thoughts on matter and chemistry in ancient Greek times: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anaximenes_of_Miletus
Last edited by missuse; Sep 29, 2011 at 01:45 PM.
wishful eyes deceive me
i said something wrong srry worlds,, i mean the 2nd dimension ,the world encountered before life exists ,as a geometric object, the jump to the 3rd dimension was the ice age ,and alot other things,

also its not good to tell around , when u know more then other people, but i can tell how i became interested in this things, when i was 4 or 5 years, i rlly loved to draw things , and i started to learn myself reading books with 6 years, i read science books , and chemical books biology books etc..

when i was 5 years i drawed things , i dont even know what it was , i just drawed, i compared my "art" later with things on the internet and found out some drawings was similiar to mayan symbols etc, also one of the Art looked like the mayan calendary no joke ,also in the aztec culture was similiar things to my pictures..that scared me abit and i tried to found out more about the mayans and the aztecs and i figured out this cultures are pretty fascinating and mystical, and the mayas also got informations about different dimensions , they know more then everyone of us now, about all, now u should ask urself from who they knew all this things , well this is a secret, and if i would try to explain u maybe wont believe me..
the mayas knew 9 dimensions , the sumerians are much more ancient race they knew 12 dimensions ,also there are secrets in the egyptian pyramids on the "judgement of Osiris" art u see next to isis a building of the milky way
and on one of the less artefacts what was found of the sumerians , except a strange plate and a stone with undefinable signs on the plate u see a exact building of our sunsystem , although this culture exists on almost 3000 B.C and we just found out the sunsystem has 11 planets before a couple of 100 years,so u can ask urself how was that ancient culture able without to can travel trough the universe or have a microscope, to fix the exactly even right coordinating position of all planets , and theres 12 planets on this sumerian plate not 11,but back to the subject i get this all from informations on the internet and my own knowledge and inspiration trough books and ppl ,and music, one of the music bands is Born of Osiris ,veil of maya, , or german underground rap mc basstard,taktlo$$,. i dont listen comercial shit, if u want know more , u can add me on skype , just tell me and i pm u my skypename

and missuse greek phylosphs get their ideas from ancient cultures,greek isnt really ancient there are much more ancient cultures , but i know a phylosopher who tried to understand all , his name is sokrates ;)
Last edited by thedevill; Sep 29, 2011 at 08:19 AM.
The Sleepy Beast
@Thedevil: you are talking about dimensions in a more spiritual or even religious way, as I understand this thread is about current physics theories (or at least the particular, down to earth explanation, of one of the multidimensional theories).
Saying something like:
Originally Posted by thedevill View Post
i said something wrong srry worlds,, i mean the 2nd dimension ,the world encountered before life exists ,as a geometric object, the jump to the 3rd dimension was the ice age ,and alot other things

has little coherence with the discussion. Just to be clear, I am not judging your point of view.

Originally Posted by thedevill View Post
the Earth enters since it was created the 1st the 2nd and the 3rd dimension
the mayan calendary says ,the earth will enter the 4th dimension in december 21 2012
when the earth entered the 2nd dimension there was the ice age
when it entered the 3rd dimension , there was a extreme heatwave, what makes the ice melt
but noone knows what will happen this time,,,

I think that the translation for dimensions in your post would be time periods or millenniums in Mayan calendar

Originally Posted by thedevill View Post
and missuse greek phylosphs get their ideas from ancient cultures,greek isnt really ancient there are much more ancient cultures , but i know a phylosopher who tried to understand all , his name is sokrates ;)

that part of my post is just an example, I am not saying the Greeks were the first in trying to explain things around them, nor that they were the most advance in it (tho they certainly were amongst the first and best). I was merely saying that our theories on multidimensional are now on the same level as chemistry was in Greek times (four elements, earth, water, air and fire...). Probably even lower, since it is interesting, but can not be applied in any filed. The highest obstacle imo, is we can not conduct any experiments, except in thought about the subject. We can merely think about it and try to make it so all the thing we know now fit in the new theory.
Last edited by missuse; Sep 29, 2011 at 01:47 PM.
wishful eyes deceive me