Originally Posted by Twankie View Post
As long as the baby is not in its "primary stage" and they kill it while its not out, I dont see a problem with it.

Killing a baby isn't wrong? As you said baby I think that means an infant human.
Obviously he ment before it has become an infant. Possibly fetus or maybe earlier.

I wouldn't want to force someone into labor against their will, people have rights. You may argue that the fetus is a person and has rights ( I almost feel bad for bursting your bubble, but you're wrong. A fetus is completely dependent on its mother, and does not have any comprehension of itself or its surroundings. It doesn't care if it dies or not.)

Being pro-life means you will willingly force a woman to go into labor, and often the baby will live a bad life because of the mothers poor decisions. That is all-out wrong. If it will obviously suffer for its entire life, I would feel good putting it to an end before it could realize itself.
This guy was once a GameMaster
I'm against abortion.

It's your own fault for not being more careful during sex.

If you really don't want the baby then put it up for adoption.
Pro choice, it's not mine or anyone else's decision besides the parent/parents
iCoF l OLDA l OoT
I think they should make it illegal. Children is excactly the purpose of the reproduction. If you just want to satisfy your hormones, then try to think of something else. You can't just get that naughty, then just roll along with your life and kill your child.
I don't give a shit that it's killing an unborn baby. The kid's unwanted and will likely live a shitty life whilst dragging down the parents.

Or: I'm cool with killing a fetus. Not cool with dumping an already born baby in a sack into a river.
This is very hard for me to pick.

Think about it: If you were 16, and you got pregnant.
That could screw up your whole life.

But killing a baby...thats just not right.
Adoption would be the best choce here..but..it just wouldn't seem right.

I would give it up for adoption, But I would be very depressed.
Think about the child who ends up who knows where.
He might get abused.

Overall, people just need to be careful
The only arguable point I can see against it is when it get's to the stage where it can then feel pain. Aside from that, I really don't see why one shouldn't.
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