The awkward moment when you wake up at a friends' house and have the worst morning wood of all time, and everyone is awake and in the same room as you.
I hate that.
Awkward moment when you realize that you're waking up Alaistier the wrong way. Massage.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
Akward moment when you try to move out of a stranger's way and he walks back into your way.
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Originally Posted by raiden224 View Post
Akward moment when you try to move out of a stranger's way and he walks back into your way.

ogod i hate when that happens D;
The akward moment when you tell a inside joke and your friend doesn't remember the reference.
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
The awkward moment when you're watching a movie with your parents and boobs pop up.
That awkward moment when you've been gone from tb and you realize Dox has made ANOTHER clan.
No you.
The akward moment when your talking to someone and they say something totally off topic.
What wisdom lies ahead?
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The awkward moment when you fill up your morning bowl with cereal and then realize you're out of milk.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz