I think I know, what fill means:
When you are buying more than one item at once say 10 for example it shows how many of those orders were fulfilled. If one transaction was done succesfully fill goes to 1. If you bought 3 of the ordered 10 it goes to 3 etc.
Originally Posted by Pawned View Post
Very nice, this will help alot of people out, btw, I think that High is the highest you can sell it and Low is the lowest you can buy it.

Originally Posted by tokage View Post
I think I know, what fill means:
When you are buying more than one item at once say 10 for example it shows how many of those orders were fulfilled. If one transaction was done succesfully fill goes to 1. If you bought 3 of the ordered 10 it goes to 3 etc.

Hay, thanks for the help :3
I appreciate it...
ok heres the ones you don't know:
Current Price- what the lowest selling price is
%- How close you are to the current price

Good job on the tut Its very descriptive
I still hate it.
I tryed to sell a gold relax following the rules, i typed 14.000 in the price box instead of 14000.00 and i sold it immediatly for 14 tcs ç_ç
thank you very much to clarify everything Tonakai now sell my items
Last edited by NinjaTori; Jun 9, 2008 at 01:46 AM.
The transfert form the portfolio to the inventory doesn't work.
I cancel the order, but the item remains in my portfolio as if i was selling it.
I have a problem, I'm trying to change the price to an item but said that "This item is locked" please help
<ganryu> Alan, sos mas idiota que tu gato
<ganryu> Alan, you're more idiot than your cat
Still dont get it :/

Originally Posted by ninjatori View Post
I have a problem, I'm trying to change the price to an item but said that "This item is locked" please help

Yeah, i was wondering that too.
[RelaxAll]Nikelaos:Kickass is chained to this clan with indestructible shackles, his balls are also superglued to the chair.