Originally Posted by zNuke View Post
Im zNuke, in real life im 13 and im currently working on a FPS game. Im working on this with Noel12344 and so far so good Estimated time to be finished is 1 year if we work constantly. im also a gamer on Xbox 360, im a huge fan of Battlefield 3 and hoping to get Battlefield 4. My birthady is on 26 Januray and for updates on my game visit the channel, KnifeNinjaStudio. "KnifeNinja" is the name of our game creating team. We are hoping to find any more modelers. To apply go on our Site which will soon be created, for now PM me on [email protected] (not that this email holds none of my passwords to any accounts use so if you attempted to get into anything you will only be able to get into roblox which i no longer go on). If your going to apply include.
Skype, Age, Skills, tell us if you can use Blender ( for animation, scenes and modeling ) when u apply you have to show us or send us a picture or file of your work. If your accepted you will be expected to be online on skype atleast 4 times a day and you will be included as one of the creators on the game.

[Founder] Knife (me)
[Co-Leader] Noel
[Modelers] Knife
[Animation Maker] xXJ4K3YB0IXx ( not on toribash )
[Entry Open]
[Entry Open]
[Entry Open]

Hello, good luck with your game. May I know what is the game about, and how does it look like. Maybe take a screenshot of it and PM me, as I'm interested if the game is good. C:
Shoot me a PM if you have any queries!