Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
I think one of the biggest problems is the party system. Each elected official is supposed to be a representative of their electorate, but instead are just a proxy vote for their party. Then when they get to the floor they all vote as a party and throw around their weight instead of independently thinking.

Well, USA has a lot of huge problems, it won't be fixed with a few small changes.

I don't want to derail the topic, but does America have a legitimate reason why they'd prefer a party system that hates itself over having independent officials? I vaguely remember George Washington talking about how parties were a necessary evil but I never quite got the "necessary" part
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Long story short sid:

If you're not radically and blindly agreeing with all of one parties ideas, voters fear you'll turncoat against policies they believe in. And thus would vote in a more straight ticket candidate instead.

Independent thinking gets you a stand up comedy gig making fun of politics, not a seat in the senate.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by sid View Post
I don't want to derail the topic, but does America have a legitimate reason why they'd prefer a party system that hates itself over having independent officials? I vaguely remember George Washington talking about how parties were a necessary evil but I never quite got the "necessary" part


Honestly, that's the reason why. Because America has had a 2 party system for so long, it's literally degraded to you either run as one of the two parties, or you run as an "Independent". There is no other party, and Americans are too change-averse to accept a different political system.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
This is not any new news, it's shut down before, and it was only predictable that they couldn't resolve anything, so they played a game and threw baby fits because they lost, so no one won, and then the U.S paid the price of their immaturity..
Originally Posted by dupbuck View Post
This is not any new news, it's shut down before, and it was only predictable that they couldn't resolve anything, so they played a game and threw baby fits because they lost, so no one won, and then the U.S paid the price of their immaturity..

I would just like to point out that this has not happened before, now they have shutdown halfway per say to where the civilian workers were not able to work for them anymore, but they have never completely shut down. And even when they are "completely shut down" Everyone is still working and they will still eventually get paid, but with time. Congress has to decide the budget, after that issue is resolved they will then reimburse the workers for the time that they did work just as if they had retained it on the day they would have initially received their paycheck.
Now the thing that is bothering me is the fact on how senate/congress Is still receiving paychecks idk... I see the united states falling down a deep dark hole.. Rapidly .
Best part of the whole thing is that even though the Republicans forced the government to shut down, it was pointless since Obamacare was going to start the next day no matter what happened. Yay for pointless childish temper tantrums

edit: Also, we should really do something about changing laws so that Congress cant decide on their own pay. If I cant increase my pay whenever I want, they shouldn't be able to either.
Last edited by Gum; Oct 3, 2013 at 06:46 AM.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
because of this government shutdown my mom insurance dropped her.

I heard few years back the government is planning world depopulation start a new world order at least 500,000 people on earth.
good game obama good game

For weird conspiracy theories, please create a new thread. -Redundant
Last edited by Redundant; Oct 3, 2013 at 09:59 AM.
The government shutdown has nothing to do with SSI checks, welfare, or anything.

As for the government being idiots, I doubt the government has more idiots then what Toribash has, but the government for the US is retarded as hell and need to get their heads out their ass.
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Though not being part of the US Government myself I have to admit that they have sunk to an all time low, perhaps because of how they were focusing all their time on one thing ignoring everything that happened in their surroundings. And also the debts they have with other countries wasting more precious time and money on both sides they are screwing themselves over. And closing the government was a petty thing to do.
Where does the Earth truly lead me? I continue to wonder.
As for the military not being paid. hogwash.

Three ways this can happen. they can get support from the Veterans association. The Deers program. Or a neat little thing called "backpay".

The deers program is a likely scenario due to the fact that it pays an extra amount of money per paycheck to enlisted and officers of just about all branches of military to supplement the income and upkeep of family living stateside. The most likely scenario is the back pay system, where they go without pay for any amount of time and eventually when funds are made available they will be paid in full on payday every dime that they were owed. Landlords and landowners will generally not mind not being paid if an extend on the bills are requested due to the government not paying its armed forces, because eventually a budget would be settled upon and they would likely be paid off in full anyway. The deers program is paid into by every member of the armed forces ( if i recall correctly) since day one of starting their career. Families or not. (thats how the program is made possible. There may be other ways they are supported but none come to mind and i cba to cite any sources considering we have handy dandy google.)

As for the whole two party system here in America, Its actually not a two party system but people thinking it is, due to ignorance and the fact that the media only cares to cover the two parties and not any of the other ones really in my observations is all behind the whole thought process of that notion.

As for the debt ceiling not being raised and such, i don't see it effective to shut down the government while the politicians are STILL getting a paycheck. Take that paycheck away and watch how fast they fold. I can't be the only one who has thought about that. The government is no longer for the people. The government isn't shut down if the guys running things are still running them and getting paid to do so.

That much is certain.
<Castra> I'm fingering my butthole right now
<Rainboweye> mocrogunz<Rainboweye> why do you eat smegma ?