Originally Posted by Shook View Post
Gaming came to me from a very early age, and has been a staple of my life since then. Fairly simple deal, except that i somehow started out by using my mouse with my left hand, probably following my dads example, hence me using the mouse with my off hand to this day.

Drawing came much, MUCH later in my life, beginning its baby steps during my time modding Cortex Command, where i got tired of asking other people to sprite for me. Then, 3-4 years later, i cautiously expanded my territory into full-scale drawing, all while being super shy about it. Hell, my brother and parents didn't really know about it. A milestone was reached when i bought a sketchpad and started drawing things in it, and at some point, it finally culminated in me shitting my nervous disposition in the face and brandishing my sketchbook right in my bro's face. Later that day (or was it a few days later?) i also showed it to my parents, who were surprised (positively) to find out that i actually had a mild artistic streak in me.

I have since gotten hold of a tablet (actually two, but one is my bro's which he doesn't use, which is situated in my own room now where i have space for it, whereas the smaller Wacom is at my gaming rig), and am now drawing/doodling sort of regularly. Still a bit shy about it, but at least i actually know that people won't shun me for it now. :I (i still prefer drawing while alone, however)

Also, if you can call game designing a hobby, it spawned quite simply: There was not enough games to play, so i said fuck it, i'm going to make my own. It also spawned from the fact that i had been modding a few games for quite a while, and felt ready for BIGGER THINGS.

Shook, man, you're amazing. Loving the game.

Originally Posted by MudJad View Post
My hobbies are swimming

I want to join many of the completion in my country so that would be good :3

I love that you have a goal with it. I hope you do well and succeed.
Also, if you want post examples of your hobbies. I'll put this on the front page as well.
Last edited by Kilcreed; Oct 8, 2013 at 04:05 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Been playing video games since I was a 'ickle baby so I figured a while back that I might as well make 'em.
"and I have tons of friends" Deakster/Dickmaniac/Deak
Drawing cuz im talented dansing cuz u just danse and enjoy the moment graffiti to be famous and get respect and also cuz its dangerous.finally parkour cuz its fucking fun.
I go with my parkour group they do stuff then some ppl watch and then my freinds ask me to join evreyone understimate me and say no way u can do that and then i shit on their face lol hilarious.
Once i was near a wall and i said to my freind i wanna know whats behim tthis wall a bad habits (i need to climb evrey wall in the school) a dude waljed near us and toldy freind hold h so he can see (im short) i told him come to tach me how to climb it he said he can't then i climbed it that was fucking funny.
I like playing video games and surfing the internet.I also like riding my bike with my friends that live across the street from me.I only like video Games because it allows me to escape from the Earth for a few Hours and just have fun.And i'm a very Competetive person
This world is cold and cannot be changed.Only one man can change it and that is me!

Playing toribash and fapping.
I like sleeping. I also tend to make people laugh on purpose, which sometimes I do on purpose?

Edit:Forgot, Reason: I love the feels of le bed :o
Last edited by adam2332; Oct 13, 2013 at 03:48 AM.
i sell pocket pussies
[Ae]ther | cncpls | [OoT] | SR
Originally Posted by adam2332 View Post

Playing toribash and fapping.
I like sleeping. I also tend to make people laugh on purpose, which sometimes I do on purpose?

Edit:Forgot, Reason: I love the feels of le bed :o

By far, the best yet. lel.
Inspired by my favorite bands and artists I decided to learn guitar. Hopefully I'll find a band I can join. It's gonna be hard though, since everyone in my area is either in a pop band or a metal band. And I'm more of the ska, alternative, indie, bluesrock.
you know those cool movies with "hackers" using 20 monitors all occupied by green foreground black background matrixes? yeah. always loved that kinda shit so I ended up looking into web security exploitation and stuff.about 4 years later I just ended up giving up on blackhat activity and using my security knowledge for system administration and some web development.