Oooh! nice, people are actually playing ^^

Played through this game once now as a warrior, str, dex, end, vgr and vit based. Trying a mage now, which proves harder.

Tips from personal exp:

* Don't freakin waste effigies
* Don't use bonfire ascetics if you don't know what you're doing. It lasts until ng+ and so on, making it ng++. (I used it for farming, in a place where it couldn't get harder, 200k each run, pm if you'd like to know)
* Got through all of npc's dialogue, they might help you in boss fights or give you cool lore or items. (Use enough souls at merchants, and they might reward you in the talk option)
* Hidden doors can be activated with the action button, instead of hitting'em (little change from DS1, hehe)
* The coffin in the start... Haha, imminent penis
* Don't freakin kill npc's. Especially not the Emerald Herald haha... (Some will be available for resurrection, will cost souls though)

Might add more, if I remember...
Originally Posted by Fenris View Post
Oooh! nice, people are actually playing ^^

Played through this game once now as a warrior, str, dex, end, vgr and vit based. Trying a mage now, which proves harder.

Tips from personal exp:

* Don't freakin waste effigies
* Don't use bonfire ascetics if you don't know what you're doing. It lasts until ng+ and so on, making it ng++. (I used it for farming, in a place where it couldn't get harder, 200k each run, pm if you'd like to know)
* Got through all of npc's dialogue, they might help you in boss fights or give you cool lore or items. (Use enough souls at merchants, and they might reward you in the talk option)
* Hidden doors can be activated with the action button, instead of hitting'em (little change from DS1, hehe)
* The coffin in the start... Haha, imminent penis
* Don't freakin kill npc's. Especially not the Emerald Herald haha... (Some will be available for resurrection, will cost souls though)

Might add more, if I remember...

I chose blade master and Im working on str, dex, and end. Found out the best thing to do is to throw any knowledge from dark souls 1 that you think will help you out the window.

Do you know any good early places to farm Fen?
Yeah, think so too.

SPOILER - Farming area, start

> farming

Why? For what purpose?

Can't you beat game with starter weapons anymore? I heard they dropped the difficulty but that sounds silly.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Yes of course, I used only 2 swords through the whole game, one which you get fairly early.

I farm because it's fun, and because I can. Don't see anything wrong with it as long as I like it myselg, besides...

Didn't start farming for real until I had beat the game once though. Wanted to prepare a bit before NG+, started a new game as a sorcerer now, pretty much harder than a warrior-type.

I wouldn't say it's easier, not at all... And the fact that NG+ makes boss fights different makes it even more fun!
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
> farming

Why? For what purpose?

Can't you beat game with starter weapons anymore? I heard they dropped the difficulty but that sounds silly.

That's a really dumb thing to say. Not everyone wants to just 'beat' the game with the starter weapons. I farmed souls in DS1 to level up and meet the requirements for my favourite weapons and armor sets. I am currently farming in DS2 to dual wield most weapons early on because the dual wielding power stance is very interesting and fun.

Also, since enemies are now finite, how is farming even possible for long periods?
Last edited by Hero; Apr 29, 2014 at 02:39 PM.
Bonfire Ascetics. Makes the area NG+, use another, NG++, respawns all enemies, even bosses and items.


Lasts even until the next play through, so... Use one ascetic, and start new game+ the area you used the ascetic in will be NG++.
anyone else digging dual caestus power stance build

also, just in case anyone didn't know, shields are

explorer class is god tier, that adaptability mm mm
Last edited by boStaff; Apr 29, 2014 at 03:49 PM. Reason: a word
shmevin eats smegma
Originally Posted by Hero View Post
That's a really dumb thing to say. Not everyone wants to just 'beat' the game with the starter weapons. I farmed souls in DS1 to level up and meet the requirements for my favourite weapons and armor sets. I am currently farming in DS2 to dual wield most weapons early on because the dual wielding power stance is very interesting and fun.

Wow I just asked why farm and you reply "hurr so dumb I want weapons" well ok, just say that then.

Sorry I just beat the game and don't buy everything >_>

DS players are different...
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
> farming

Why? For what purpose?

Can't you beat game with starter weapons anymore? I heard they dropped the difficulty but that sounds silly.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post

My weapon at the moment is +4 dragon greatsword

Yeah, I totally remember starting Dark Souls 1 with Dragon Greatsword +4.

..Oh wait.

Does that imply that you couldn't beat Dark Souls 1 with starting weapons?

< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.