my friends are too handicapped to understand how to play it and i am the ultimate gaming god in their eyes
my parents think it's a waste of time, my friends think im godly
partly because im also the best gamer they've ever met :^)
Eh, I had some friends I introduced to the game.
Of course they left it in less than a month.
My family just think it's this random "app" I use to socialize.

That's all.
Modo Bestia
One time my bro made an account so we could play. This was back in 2008.

We joined a room and started to queue, but then he was immediately banned before we even got a chance to play because we were on the same IP. The request for unban was denied.

That was the end of Toribash x family.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
when i show someone toribash, i usually have to repeat that it's "fun. it's really simple", but no. people judge this game far too quickly. i mean, fair enough really. i had no fucking idea what i was doing when i first started, but that didn't put me off like it seems to do to many other people... oh well, brown belt for life anyway.
I think you need to be the sort of person who watches enough random youtube or browses steam free games enough to find Toribash to be the sort of person who can enjoy toribash.
Good morning sweet princess
My family said that toribash was the perfect learning of joints ( i didnt show them any gore or dms) ...... They dont care
Think you're thought
My family calls it a "waste of time." I don't blame them, I mean come on.

My dad is trying to stalk me on this game by seeing how many accounts I have (good luck dad.), we will see how this works out.
Originally Posted by Dscigs View Post
my friends are too handicapped to understand how to play it and i am the ultimate gaming god in their eyes

Haha, same over here. They just can't get a grip of anything, which ends in them flaming me of how I could play such a stupid game and I'm like stfu dumbo.

But yea they don't really like Toribash, so we play NBA most of the time.