Well hes with me rn, hell apply asap!

" Im sorry for my lack effort application, ill try to re app with all my effort, cause i saw the first guy app and i think with this app i feel im quite better but it didnt work, im sorry for my rush, cause (im) really excited to join this clan
~Ubi "
Gamer Of Gamers
Hello, I'm Quty.
I'm 16 years old, my GMT is -6, and I have been playing this drug-of-a-game for 4 years now, almost 5.
My past clans include Pyro (Which I was the leader of), and Electric.
My strong mods are anything ending in 'kido' and my weak mods are anything ending in 'ushu'.
I would rate myself a 420/10 activity on the forums, (don't let my post count fool you), and maybe a 5/10 on the in-game and such.
Follow our rules and of course follow the global rules. You got it ;o
I guess I'll say yes to quty, but have you know I checked your profile and stuff, and I know who you are. Be careful. Otherwise, welcome!


Hello there

GMT +8
17 years old
Ive been playin this gane for quite long but i was busy doing something else so i had to afk for years and now i return and look! i found a new clan which is this clan and good future also.
I play Aikido and Taekkyon ( not rlly good, but still learning ) but i also play any kind of mods
Ingame activity would be 4 and forum activity would be 8
You know i really love to be part of this clan.

Originally Posted by Wizard View Post
I guess I'll say yes to quty, but have you know I checked your profile and stuff, and I know who you are. Be careful. Otherwise, welcome!

Okay I'm not Habits for one, but yes I am abxy (I seriously hate this assumption), but I'm not too worried about it, anyway, thank you for giving me a chance!
Golf Wang
I love getting banned! | Let's get medicated
Hello! My name in toribash is Lecture. You can also call me Mark in Real life. My Belt is Blue Belt. And my age is 12. My Ingame is everyday weekends no because we will go church and shopping and cleaning house. Forum Activity is I think like 8 cause I'm not opening much the forum and making something like textures and arts c:. Previous Clan is Bomb. My Favorite mods is aikidobigdojo, aikido, greykido, judo, etc. I got ban for racism for just 1 day. You can also add me in facebook (Mark Crysler Hurtado Baddo and my other account Makmak Baddo). And my skype is Mark.Baddo. About myself, I love doing sports, I am filipino, I live in Philippines, I am brown and handsome hair c:. Thanks for taking time to read my application.
The Bomb Squad