Forgot to mention, you gotta love the sets that makes some people's potato explode trying to download.
Originally Posted by Pidgenere View Post
Forgot to mention, you gotta love the sets that makes some people's potato explode trying to download.

Man those sets are the best. Personally, I go for all the expensive stuff that I get from my baby daddies. :P
"Valt, no offence but i'm better than all of nitro apart from maybe azzeff who's around the same..." -Verzox 2015
I personally like flames because they're awesome. Also if I could get my hands on some pure, it would definitely be bae.
I change my textures when my mood changes, but now I'm gonna use my current head as my permanent tex

Nerd Glasses ftw
I use ugly colours and ugly textures but I don't really care.

Also everyone who uses flames should consider suicide
[duck] 01101000 01101001 01110000 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100010 01101111 01110010
Gradually got full joints after Headphones
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
Some times, I use bronze + Black Like, my hands and legs are all black. and the rest of my body white/Bronze, they're looking cool.
I don't like to be random coloured, I never liked primaries and secondaries but they're for beginners. instead of textures.
I'm Watching you!
Originally Posted by Juhizz View Post
I use ugly colours and ugly textures but I don't really care.

Also everyone who uses flames should consider suicide

i use a spammy flame specifically so people can "wtf is that flame" in servers so i feel superior about myself. i don't even have particles turned on so half the time i forget i'm using it. also marine master race or something.

Originally Posted by TheHerobrine View Post
I never liked primaries and secondaries but they're for beginners. instead of textures.

don't you mean "they're for people that like using colours instead of textures because that's their preference and there's nothing wrong with that"
Last edited by Nearly; Sep 19, 2015 at 06:29 PM.
wow that