Okay most people say "Yea both are bad for you" but technically no they wouldn't use Marijuana for medicine if it was it can help a numbers of things like Seizures, It can help with Stress and the only side effects are getting hungry and sleeping when Cigarettes do help with stress sometimes but they are highly addictive when Cannabis is not but it all depends on what you use with Cannabis to make it addictive, if you were to just smoke Cannabis alone no it is not but if you treat it with other drugs and chemicals it is.
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splish splash Aeon is still trash
Originally Posted by iPortal View Post
Sorry, but did you read what I said?

Yes, but I didn't read what you edited after I posted, which includes half of your post, and your "edit" sentence. When I posted first. There was nothing to go on, like I said. Now there kind of is.

Originally Posted by Unholybat5 View Post
Okay most people say "Yea both are bad for you" but technically no they wouldn't use Marijuana for medicine if it was it can help a numbers of things like Seizures, It can help with Stress and the only side effects are getting hungry and sleeping when Cigarettes do help with stress sometimes but they are highly addictive when Cannabis is not but it all depends on what you use with Cannabis to make it addictive, if you were to just smoke Cannabis alone no it is not but if you treat it with other drugs and chemicals it is.

It may help relieve stress and what not. But doesn't cigarettes do the same thing?
Last edited by WeooWeoo; Mar 2, 2016 at 09:16 PM.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Originally Posted by iPortal View Post
Cmon, dude.

If you look at the bottom, it's from personal experience I didn't say it was true just what it felt like to me. I just stick to an e-cig now
Originally Posted by Unholybat5 View Post
Okay most people say "Yea both are bad for you" but technically no they wouldn't use Marijuana for medicine if it was it can help a numbers of things like Seizures, It can help with Stress and the only side effects are getting hungry and sleeping when Cigarettes do help with stress sometimes but they are highly addictive when Cannabis is not but it all depends on what you use with Cannabis to make it addictive, if you were to just smoke Cannabis alone no it is not but if you treat it with other drugs and chemicals it is.

Okay, I'm sorry SkyWhale but Unholybat, did you read the sources I posted? I can see what you mean but the reason they use it medicinally is because it's a painkiller.
Originally Posted by iBravies View Post
If you look at the bottom, it's from personal experience I didn't say it was true just what it felt like to me. I just stick to an e-cig now

Don't worry dude, I knew a guy who took heroin and got nothing off it, no high and no low.
Last edited by Zelda; Mar 3, 2016 at 09:27 PM. Reason: fixed quotation code
Originally Posted by iPortal View Post
Source 1

I'd like to also let you know that this source is legit fake (mainly the image used) and is used to troll people. I'd say this was all just a troll post in itself. But as i see that it's on discussion. i don't know what to say really.

Here's a better source for you.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
I'd like to also let you know that this source is legit fake (mainly the image used) and is used to troll people. I'd say this was all just a troll post in itself. But as i see that it's on discussion. i don't know what to say really.

Here's a better source for you.

Ok, so, let me get this straight.

iPortal, you use that link as evidence to back up your "marijuana is 4 times worse for you than ciggarets"

Weoo, you claim that that link is a troll post, and then proceed to link a post that basically says that marijuana is better for you than ciggarets.

Now with that in mind, I have to ask both of you a question. Have you read the post or did you just skim through it and thought it supported your points?

Because the thread is directly against what iPortal is saying. It repeats what Eleleeth said, and also points out that there hasn't yet been a link estabilished between smoking marijuana and increased risk of lung cancer.

Now, my view is pretty much what eleleeth said. While yes, one joint may include 4 times the tar, 4 times the cancer oh god, marijuana smokers don't smoke anything near what a ciggarete smoker does.
I don't use either, but through my experiences and learning i'd assume marijuana is leagues safer then cigarettes.

Points as to why marijuana is healthier then use of tobbaco

Those were all things I were taught in school funded clubs/classes so how correct they are is no clue to me, but this is my evidence.
You opened the SpaghettiO's, now you gotta sniff them.
I did read my source, and i skimmed his, because i didnt even start to believe any of it when i saw that picture. My source is ofc biased towards what i thought. But like my first post on this thread was, i think both are bad for you. But see that Cigarettes are worse.

But, is that 4 times the tar and, heh, 4 times the cancer D:, valid?

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Tourneymun, I believe you're correct however nicotine is harmless when smoked. It's all the other chemicals that cause the bad stuff. Nicotine just gets you addicted.
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
I did read my source, and i skimmed his, because i didnt even start to believe any of it when i saw that picture. My source is ofc biased towards what i thought. But like my first post on this thread was, i think both are bad for you. But see that Cigarettes are worse.

But, is that 4 times the tar and, heh, 4 times the cancer D:, valid?

But his source backs your point up. The picture is a picture that was spread through the internet as misinformation about how the situation really is. It even says so in that post. You both ought to read any sources provided from the top to bottom.

And yes. Marijuana smoke does indeed contain 4 times the tar, but the 4 times the cancer is pretty much just a false thing. As Eleleeth said (For the third time) there is a [BIG] difference between the intake of these drugs between a pot smoker and a tobacco smoker. 1:5 ratio