im demonkiller on my 2nd account lol

RL Nicknames: Lemming, Rob
Catchphrases: Jesus Was Mexican
Country: UK
GMT: +/-
Fave mod: promowrestling
RL Nicknames: Doobie, doom, dom, teh random guy
Catchphrases: "ya mum!" "shaddap" "mofo" "im feeling angry now" "raaaaapppist"
Country: Aus
GMT: +3
Fave mod: armremover.tbm, classic
RL Nicknames: Micah, Hacim, Hac, Hacky Sack, Hippy, Mary Jane, girl. (real ones stop at Hacky Sack. Seriously, people call me hacky sack.)
Catchphrases: "WAT I DID DUN GUD", "inoriet" and "Herro Derre".
Country: Australia
GMT: +10 but with Daylight savings.
Fave mod: Judo.
| Knbl.on.TB |
Proud member of Sigma. Proud congregator of BnW.
RL Nicknames: Noodles, Nick, Maximus, Gladiator, and sandtrout.
Catchphrases: My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.
Country: The United States of America/ and Canada when I feel like it.
GMT: Pacific time
Rofl sprooj, the catchphrase should actually be " I am Colin Mcloud of clan Mcloud and i am IMMORTAL!!!111!!"
However,it must be said "Coe-len" and "clun"
Watch Gladiator, then we can talk about how epically fucking amazing Maximus is. BTW Phail, you should get that eye looked at.