Original Post
Market Squad Recruitment Drive
Market Squad is Recruiting!

Hello boys, girls, women, men - people, as of right now the market squad is looking to pick up some new recruits to one day become real staff members! You'll join me the current, experienced, msquad team and be watched and guided through the trial process until you're ready to be promoted.

The Job
The job of a market squad staff members is to moderate the Market section of the forums, as well as to investigate cases of scam that are posted in Scam Reports.

Be aware that the position requires a good knowledge of the market board rules (yes I know theres quite a few) since this is the area of the forum we have to enforce, and is extremely active. Keep this in consideration when deciding to apply.

How to Apply
The application format is free-form, but please include any languages you are competent in.

This guide is useful if you're stuck or don't know how to start.

Send all your applications to SmallBowl, Life, FMA05 or Icky. Other market squad members are not receiving applications due to inactivity, as a result sending your applications to them may result in you not being considered.


The recruitment period will close whenever we've gotten a satisfactory amount of applications. When that happens it will be announced here and this thread will be closed.

After you have sent in your application and/or after apps are closed, keep in mind that it will still be some time until new trials are announced. Please do not pm myself or other squad members asking about the status of your application. Applications that have been accepted will receive a PM stating so and will receive instructions on what to do from this point forward as a trial market squad member.

Due to the number of applications we get, we are unable to provide individual feedback on applications.

If you have any general questions, please post them in this thread. "Good luck/I sent my app" posts will get you infracted, your post deleted, and possibly have your application discarded.

Good luck!
Last edited by SmallBowl; May 9, 2017 at 07:22 PM. Reason: throwing my name in for more options + fixing typo
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
Welcome to our first wave of trials, Gentleman and Viddah.
Keep the apps coming, there will be a second wave!

Good Luck!
I'm a Verified Toricredits Seller & Marketeer!
Originally Posted by LeafyIsHere View Post
Does being banned by icky because of that spinner (for 1 day) reduce my chances ?

It doesn't, but I don't recommend betting the odds in a casino—I have a feeling you wouldn't do too hot.
Is the 2nd wave going to be only from apps that have been sent in after the first wave, or the apps before first wave still have a chance?
The waves are based on how many applicants have potential*. If Market Squad decides that their standards are lower and accept more applicants then there will be more waves. However, since MS is a very tedious and challenging job, I doubtjk they are going to just accept someone because they like them.
*based on if u have enough common sense and decency
Last edited by royal; May 20, 2017 at 02:10 AM.
The recruitment drive is over, this doesnt mean we will reject every applicant but we are not actively looking for more recruits.

Congratulations to the last 2 trials from this recruitment drive:
- Dick
- Pill

We wish you all the best
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.