so many games i'm's my recent top 5

Toribash >_<
Supreme Commander ( always up for a match btw )
Fretsonfire ( Guitar Hero Clone for pc, loadsa fun )
Anno 1701 exp
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic
I play survival horrors
sing star
neverwinter ( if my pc isnt being shit)
puzzle quest

I like silly games as well like animal crossing
Go check my myspace
supreme commander looks awesome, i think i might have to buy it. I watched like 20 vids on youtube now.
<Balrog> Sorry

On-links are bad
OLDA are good
i was right, supreme commander is cool, tried it at a friends. ill most likely get a own copy to get raped online.
<Balrog> Sorry

On-links are bad
OLDA are good
Originally Posted by JoshGrimes View Post
I play loads of fighting games,Namely Virtual Fighter 5.

Quality choice - I now consider you epic. ;)

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Im late to teh party, but atm I am playing FFX and FFXII, also Shadow Of the Collossus and Sim City Four. As you may have noticed I onlt have a PS2 and PC atm, but w/e, those games are all fun enough to tide me over untill I get the monies.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
So I play Toribash, Urban Terror, Trackmania United Forever. (free version is trackmania Nations forever)
For Christmas I had Madden NFL 2008 (yeah I like having a little match in solo from time to time ^^), test drive unlimited (solo too), my brother had COD4 so I've been playing it too (impressive game).
On the PS2 last game was NFS Carbon and SSX on tour. Still playing Madden 2002, but as I have 2008 on the PC now, less need for the PS2 ^^

Else I often try GNU games and other unknown pearls of the internet.
For example : Future Pinball a nice pinball game that allow you to create your own table, full 3D, sounds, rage, etc... ^^
Sauerbraten and/or Nexuiz, fast paced FPS like Quake.

I found a beat them all last night pretty addictive (imo) even though the realisation is out of date.
Zombie Smasher X from Ska Studios

Waiting for Diablo III ^^

And enjoying and having fun too with creation tools like the gimp. Saving some € to get Reason 4 ^^

Playing guitar (true guitar, not guitar hero stuff ^^)

This ain't an open air festival this is a (bleep)ing open air rehearsal in my parent's yard (2000 m² of field lost in french countryside) in middle of March, in the north wind blowing and freezing the fingers on the deck.
This was a nice day but a tough day Oo ^^

I guess that's all.

Merry Xmas and happy new year all.
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