Original Post
*Nabi Dancing Replay Comp*
Wow, first time I am doing a replay comp in over 9000 years now ;O

Well, thanks to the video Rutzor and I did, Nothing to gayn, The promo-team has decided to sponsor a replay comp for you guys.

Yep, you guessed it, this will be a formal dancing replay competition.

Alright, so this will be quite a simple comp in theory (Probably much harder in practice though hehe). You will create an SP replay consisting of your best dance moves.
This can include a variety of different dance styles, ballet, ballroom, Charleston, Breakdance, Capoeira, Whatever your heart desires .
There will be NO ACTUAL FIGHTING ALLOWED IN THESE REPLAYS. Every kind of interaction between tori/uke will be purely for dance duet purposes only hehe.
I will not force you guys to move both tori and uke at the same time as that tends to be quite hard to do, but I will say that a good replay where you are moving both of them is a huge plus in my book :0

I am allowing you guys to post Three different replay attempts for this comp, no more than around 3000 frames for each replay. Though I dont see any of you using all of that hehe.

I will not be specifying anything like engagedistance/height, turnframes, Fracture, Dismbemberment, gravity as those will all be up to you.
I will however say that in a dance comp you might wanna turn off DM/frac, and you would want gravity probably around sambo (0,0,-30).

I will allow any mod to be used in this replay WITHIN REASON. Please, if you are planning to use some crazy mod or something, ask me first and I will clear it for you. I will allow most mods as long as they do not provide too much of a handicap for you guys ;)

tl;dr, for your entry to qualify, you must have tori and/or uke dancing some sort of nice and fluid dance hehe.


After your replays have been established to qualify for further judging, the judging will consist if these criteria.

# Fluidity and Motion
# Synchronization between tori and/or uke (If both dancers are used)
# Difficulty of the dance
# Overall Look and feel of the replay.

I do hope you guys spend more than 5min on the replays ;)

Once the Comp is over, the promo-team and community will be judging the winners of the comp. More on that when we get closer to the end.

From this post you guys will have around 3.5 weeks to post your entries for this comp. This means that all entries must be in by Sunday, January 11 at 2200GMT


First place - A completion of your texture set (If not already complete) + a full set of any promo colour this month.
Second place - 100,000TC
Third place - 50,000TC

If you have any questions regarding this comp, feel free to PM me or Gman about this comp, or Post in this thread and we will happily answer your questions.

Aside from that, have fun, be creative, and good luck everyone.

Overtime I will try and post some youtube vids or personal replays to help you guys get inspired and to see what we are talking about in regards to this comp.

Provide good examples of dance style replays used in vids GOGOGO ~ Gman80
Last edited by Mosier; Dec 19, 2008 at 08:10 PM.
5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when
I couldnt helo but laff at shuffle 2, it just looks likee he's mad at teh ground so he kix it! XD but his replays are still cool
it's kinda hard to stay on your feet without losing balance if you're moving that much. but it's good that i only had to do 2 flips. i'm waiting for veb's judgement on them.
oh wow. Nice Splinter. Cant wait to see the finished version
5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when
Lots of crazy spinning in the most hardcore dance ever!

Note: The short version is not a entrie.
Attached Files
Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread
ill put in a preview of my entry. Im going for the melbourne shuffle
This is not what i enter into the tourney.
Attached Files
#shuffle.rpl (172.4 KB, 32 views)
Oh, didnt see this one yet. *starts SP*

bb in a day or two :P
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic
