My gamertag is Mysterious Kip..

Don't ask me how I got it because I'm going to tell you now..

One of my friends has the name "Mysterious Webb" so one of his friends in real life that I know changed his name to "Mysterious Mud" and he told me I should change my name to "Mysterious Kip", so I did.. which makes Mud.. and Kip.. if you were too stupid to get it.
Omg.. Gynx has one :o MUST add.

Mine is Wegapunk
I has mad finger skills!
Property of [Discount_Death] 2nd Black
Mine is BlackBearJ. Add me, and watch my NHL 09 skills.
[17:02] <Homer> anyone up for some tb?
01[17:09] <BlackBear> No.
[17:12] <Homer> >.>
[17:13] <Dafe> TB is what killed Doc Holiday.