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Says the man, who owes 1,000,000 tc (I must admit that he got up to his ears in debts because of useless toribeer item he bought)
DarkJak, save your own bacon first.
Last edited by Hector; Jan 3, 2009 at 12:54 AM.
Originally Posted by Hector View Post
Says the man, who owes 1,000,000 tc (I must admit that he got up to his ears in debts because of useless toribeer item he bought) TS, save your own bacon first.

No, you see, he's really helping everyone out by doing this.
If a lot of "merchants" join, then they can artificially keep prices higher by agreeing on a price floor and price ceiling.
These types of agreements are always good for economies, real and fake, much like the farming coops that existed quite some time ago.
If one farmer sold his crops at a lower price than the other farmers, they simply killed him and/or destroyed everything he owned, including the farm its self.
But it really helps out the consumer, you see, since they have no other choice but to buy something at a higher price than it's worth, they can really make a profit through some sort of magical economic witchcraft or money summoning ritual.

Everyone wins.
Originally Posted by Hector View Post
I have an agreement with all tc/qi-items sellers about price dumping which is banned.

That's pretty gay tbh.
But whatever, if they want to agree with it that's fine with me, I'm not spending a cent on this game.
heh... just look at the lessons of history.. what're you going to do, go after the 'smugglers' who undercut your shops?
Originally Posted by Hector View Post
believe me, there are ways to "take care" of too impudent smugglers.


You seem very serious about this.
Apparently you don't realize that what you said is some of the dumbest garbage I've ever seen regarding such a stupid subject.
What do you do, go into the room they're playing in and wait until one of you wins a bunch of matches so that you two can finally fight and then TOTALLY BEAT HIM and tell him that if he ever tries it again then you'll break him or something?

I can't see any mods ever banning someone because you tell them that they're not breaking any rules but they're bullying you by dumping on your cute little businesses.

I'd love to know more about this subject.
I hate how new players like you DarkJak complain about how textures are not selling very high when way back when I joined, you could have a full BenDover texture set for 20k. I know this because i had him make me one back then. In fact, I bought a texture set about 6 months ago for 40k and resently re-sold it for 80k. The price of textures has gone WAY up. Don't complain. Consider yourself lucky.
Last edited by IceShadow; Jan 4, 2009 at 08:55 AM.