You can buy love.
Last edited by TML; Mar 22, 2009 at 09:17 PM.
Evaporates Earth in ten days, guaranteed.

'twewy pin evolution chart'
i was googling stuff cause im obsessed with this game xD
[TAG] [TAg] [TaG] [tAG] [Tag] [tAg] [taG] [tag] [7A6] [7a6] [T49] [~|~ /-\ (_;] ---The many faces of [TAG]
Does your woman ask you for everything and then ask for more? Is your woman slowly draining the life blood out of you? Does she seem to get visibly happier when you are start feeling miserable?
If your woman sucks your energy and joy for life out of you, the Blood Vial Earrings will be the perfect gift for her.
Tell her this gift reminded you of her and her unique ability to deplete you of your happiness. Now, with the Blood Vial Earrings, when she sucks the life blood out of a man, she will have a handy place to store it.
Evaporates Earth in ten days, guaranteed.