Vermine, si possible un set robotique comme le mien, mais en vachement mieux vu tes capacités !

EDIT : Ne le fais pas de suite STP, je vais essayer d'en faire un ;p
Vermine, i'd like to buy kiria head. Since i haven't got 10k atm i'll try to deal with you:

2,5k + pharos blood
2,5k + aurora ghost

c'est pas mal comme échange non?
Lol, i would love if u made a aqua, marine , radioactive one that looks like water...
the only problem?
i dont have nearly enough money! D=
edit , "old Jack " is just saled

DoubleG : vermine is grasping , i' only work for a minimum of money , sry
Last edited by vermine; Apr 12, 2009 at 06:55 PM.