I just got home. I've been busy this whole morning. I'll work on the head now/later and edit this post when I'm done.

EDIT: As far as facial expression, anything in particular?
Last edited by Buttchouda; Apr 12, 2009 at 11:34 PM.
Mrama the person you made this set for is banned. I knew him.

Originally Posted by Mrama View Post
someone already has this set,..... I made it for him

Oh darn! I didn't know that!
Anyways, can someone still make me a set? Or is that against the rules?
Well, its like the Joker/Clown sets. They all look the same.
So if anyone stiff going to try this?
Sorry, bro. Mrama has spoken. Change the texture set and i will try that out. Maybe human emo dude?
[200] QI until 10th dan black
5 year vet of Toribash!
The Guy Thats Banned That Had This Set Was Derbomber I Think The Thighs Are Funny