(Just to clarify if I wasn't clear earlier: )

I'm in.

(If that wasn't clear enough, well, darn.)
Be careful...
...we're watching.
Whatever happened to this idea it just died away. Well does anyone still want to do it this time we will need to make a time and stuff like a weekly tournament would be great. Say every week on a certain day and time us Gurus meet in a pre-decided room and duke it out for moneyz. Also I think the room should change every week to make it a little more interesting and keep some people from dominating every week, plus it would give people a chance to learn how to play better in modes they are not so great at. Post you comments on this idea.
I r Batdude.
I think that'd be great. Or, perhaps we could all be on one server. Dika's server for instance. Or mine, which I rarely have up.

But I still say, great idea Ishi... erm... Isha. =Þ
Be careful...
...we're watching.
I'd be up for some tournaments, maybe someone should make a new topic about what times and modes people want, so we can get the ball rolling.