Best thing for you to do cannible is to pm buttchouda. He may be able to make a private forum only for a lower fee (around 7.5-10k). He is the admin for the forums there, i am only posting his message.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars

The private sub-forums work like this as of now:
And as far as security to private Sub-Forums, so far I have it planned out like this: Since one of the features in both packages is your clan gets its own member group, I'd set the restrictions to that Sub-Forum to only allow members that are part of that member group to access it.

However, if you would prefer the sub-forum password-protected, I will look into that and see what I can do.

To your second question,
The achievements are planned to be weekly as described in this:
It is planned that every other week an achievement pack for Gold subscriptions and the weeks in between will have achievement packs released for Premium clan memberships only.

To your third question,
It all depends on what base you would want, gold or premium. That will determine the price. The reason for this is that I plan on releasing more features in the future that would be split for gold/premium memberships (premium obviously getting the better side).

Another alternative is this for prices:

-Base Price: 5k
-Private Sub-Forum: 7.5k
-Moderators: 1k each
-Public Sub-Forum: 5k

Then, to access certain features for gold/premium memberships, you are suggested to pay for one of these.

-Gold: 4k
-Premium: 8k
wow. Locker will buy the premium. He's too rich to work xD
master of the universe
that's what i like with being allies with KO.cannible,do your magic
yeah thats cool
now i need the tc magic to buy a texture set xD
I'll do >:D >:D >:D and YOU'll do :S:S:S:S:S:S:S
Glad your clan likes this. Looking forward to making you guys a forum

Any payments on Friday (maybe it's Saturday, I'll have to check) will get their request done either on Sunday or Monday, because I'm leaving for the weekend and will not have access to a computer. Otherwise, if you pay any other time during this week, your request will probably be filled the same day.