Original Post
[Promo-Team] Breaking it Down!

The Break Down

Everybody is on the dance floor, your the loser with no game who just walked in.
Some cocky guy, starts showing his moves on the floor to impress the womenz.
Whatcha gonna do? Theres only one thing to do and that's to DANCE!!

So what you guys are gonna do, is create a comeback an epic break dancing replay that will knock the crowds off their feet, and claim you as the king.
so lets see what you got.
You can move Uke if you want, like for example Uke is the challenge and you come back with an epic comeback, its up to you Be creative!


[*] Replay must be in the default of 1000 match frames
[*] Mod must be default 0.00 0.00 -25.00 gravity
[*] Replay hackers will be disqualified
[*] Anyone who plagiarizes or takes any obvious part of someones replay will also be disqualified.
[*]Be creative, womenz are not impressed by guys who can't dance.
[*]New replays must be made for the event, no oldies
1st -50k + One Free Head(Your own Dancer )
2nd - 40k + One Free head(The clubs DJ)
3rd - 30k

So lets get after it the deadline is in 2 weeks from now, so hurry up and get your submissions in

Good luck, and let the dj always be with you.
Here are some reference vids to help you out

Hi it's Praeter
ydnarn ur entries are not 1000 MF and are no eligible to be counted as submissions on the other hand nice entries so far, dont forget the videos are there to help you, and if you strategically move instead of randomly jump and alternate positions itll give a more realistic and more crisp overall performance.
Hi it's Praeter
man have i been waiting for a dance comp
Attached Files
lets dance 5.rpl (216.8 KB, 90 views)
Last edited by killer3366; May 16, 2009 at 02:11 PM.
Dot dot dot
My pop and lock try.
Attached Files
PopLockTry-by-AHD.rpl (195.5 KB, 78 views)
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
i cant breakdance for shit >_>
Attached Files
cantbreak.rpl (295.7 KB, 151 views)
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic
My 2 replays that i've done few minutes ago
Idk why breakdance for me is dancing on hands, w/o using legs.. maby it's my fetish xD
Attached Files
hands only break.rpl (156.7 KB, 48 views)
breakdance.rpl (97.9 KB, 36 views)
Ryuu was there :o