Should i open a recruit server?
ConCon wan't me to make something like this:
Originally Posted by kooky View Post
Forum Rules – (What you should not Do)
-Don’t Spam on every post.
-Don’t Comment if you don’t know what’s going on.
-If you don’t understand a thread don’t post it, PM any of us.
-Don't haggle with religion.
-Don't Post again and again if you got rejected.
-The worst thing you could possibly do is bribe us and tell us to put you in.

In - Game Rules
-Don't Flood Where ever you are
-Don't Impersonate in-game
-Don't insult other organizations and clans
-Don't make advertizements on our organization
-The leaders will take care of points like who will join or not
-Don't Invite anyone by saying so
-Keep on reading, you'll find how to invite so Don't invite like that

To invite Someone
If you like someone and think they’ve got the skills to join us, then don’t just send them an silly PM or say “Hey, wanna join JAW?” in-game. Send them this invitation:

How to invite;

In-case of Reporting someone
In here, by reporting I mean not liking someone for a reason. For example, Spam, impersonating others, useless posting on the forum, insulting etc.. NOT SCAM REPORTS. If you have any complains or reports on any user IN JAW ORGANIZATION, Please PM KooKy or hkp326. Include the reason in your report.

If you were a former JAW member
If you were with us long ago or for just a while, you are considered as an ally. While posting, you should see the TAG (s), the threads that have [JAW] in-front of them is open to ONLY JAW members. You cannot post there. But you can post in the Chat thread. That’s open to everyone. The threads that have no tag at all, means anyone can post there.
If you are leaving JAW then automatically we will add you as former JAW member/Ally. But if you are quitting because you hate us, then we will add you as enemy and you cannot post in our forum.

To get promoted to a Teacher
You feel you've been a member ever since. Thats because you've been inactive and spammed alot and "NOT HELPED". You should be very active ingame and forums. You should help students train and learn new moves.
If you are really that active and helpfull we WILL promote you to a Teacher.

To get promoted to a Elite Teacher
Well, Bad luck. You can't, even if you are really active, you gave all your tc for the org, you tried real hard, you help alot of people, you begged and all, but only leaders will promote you when they think of it. Ways to achive this rank is hidden and to find the reason, keep on reading.

Reason behind why the Elite Teacher Rank is Hidden*
This rank is no ordinary rank. This is the most highest rank after the Co-Leader rank. So this is no small deal. There people help leaders to find spam, useless post, inactive users etc . . . So, its for us to choose.

Membership Rights to Vote
Lets say when voting a new member's application.

1. The Leaders/Co-Leaders can deny/accept anyone in one vote.
2. The Elite Teacher can make the decision unless 3-4 teachers have voted no.
3. Teachers can help the Elite Teachers for making their decision by voting.
4. Members Can vote normally
5. Students Can vote normally

Thread Tags
1. [JAW] - These are Tags put infront of Organization Stuff Such as, (recruitment, allies/enemies etc . . .)
2. [Chat] - Used For Normal talk.
3. [Event] - For Events
4. [Replay] - Used for posting replays
5. [MOD] - If you made a mod then you should use this infront of the thread.
6. [Support] - In-front of threads which give/need support.
7. [Request] - For requests, not only avatars and such but like, requesting someone to do a job for/instead of him.
8. [In-Game] - Used to Discuss in-game topics.

Permissions For Invaders to Vote in Tagged Threads
1. [JAW] - These are open to JAW Members only except the Chat Thread.
2. [Chat] - Open to All Allies And JAW members.
3. [Event] - Its an event so open to all you can post.
4. [Replay] - Open to Allies And Invaders And JAW Members.
5. [MOD] - Open to Allies And JAW Members.
6. [Support] - Open to All for Help.
7. [Request] - Open to JAW Members ONLY.
8. [In-Game] - Open to Allies and JAW Members.
For more information on INVADING Go Here.

Board and In-Game Rankings
The rankings for the in-games are the ones you saw ion the member-list: Leader, Co-Leader, Guardian, Teacher etc . . .
For the Board we have new rankings.

1. General Manager
2. Deputy General Manager (DGM)
3. Manager (M)
4. SuperVisor (SV)
5. UnRanked (UR)

Information on Posting
Don't use any sort of words we don't like. I've been getting alot of posts related to this. Its better not to use it at all or just Cencor it with "^^^" or "***" something like that.
Don't double post, anytime even with the hope of it will merge.
Try not to spam in your posts and make them long to make them precise, Don't make others ask about your posts several times. Make your posts to the point. Don't vote on the recruitment thread. Its clearly written "We discuss your applications secretly, it may take anytime up to 3 days to 1 week"

Joining other Organizations
Unlike clans you can join as many organization you can. It is up to you. We are clearly stating that you can join any organization. You don't have to forcefully stay in ours. It's your rights, you can join us and leave anytime you want to. We have no reason to block you from doing so. We have no restriction that you have to put on out tag in your signatire or brag about that you are in our organization. We don't have ANYTHING like that.

In-Game Graduating Achivement
Luckily, we have a in-game graduation tester right in our organization! He is hkp326. You can claim to take the test ONLY after you have graduated from a student and you are a teacher. But yeah, its better to do so, since we are not in the Toribash Acedemy group, we can't hold any restrictions like that, You can take your teset anytime you are ready. But Look out, all the testers are like 10th dan+. You won't stand a chance against them.

Others Invading
We have a noticable thread as a sticky for warning others to invade. If you think an of them broke that rule. Don't use violence and say "Get our of here!" or "Who do you think you are?" or something like that. Kindly just tell them, to request alliance or join us. And direct them with a link to our "READ THIS BEFORE INVADING" Thread.

In-Game Class
Room "JAW" is for regular recruitment. Room "JAWak" is for aikido classes. Room "JAWjd" is for Judo classes. Room "JAWwh"
To enter a room, easily go to freeplay and type "/join (room name)"
Go to our classroom, support or #JAW for more Questions.

^^made for my organization, by me. Want me to make one for the org?
I don't know, I really keen to work with concon and make better for the organization
hey concon i change my mind i'll prefer be student
Name you would like to be known by:Trice-The Lord of Sky
Your best mods:judo
How would you rate your skills:6/10
How would you describe your fighting style:the best defense is offense
Would you prefer to be a student or a teacher:student
What do you hope to achieve here:to socialize and learn about wushu
What would you like to teach/learn:wushu
Post one replay of you in free play:

"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Hahaha it is random hey, i thought it was pretty funny though, btw you're my best choice for Co-Leader so far.